Low Dust + Copper Free ACT.
If you can't put up the brake dust and desperately need a quick act, pre-order a set by Oct. 20 (closing in 2 days), get it quick and also enjoy a 15% discount (Code "DIS-15").
Our pads are
"low dust" proven for 10+ years witnessed by a Mercedes user who approached us to make for his Mercedes based on his prior experience with BMW known to have notorious brake dust issue - Even today than any other car makes
Racing Brake makes me happy
Just to reassure you that you are buying a "proven" product, and no need to wait for others' feedback.
Even for a brand new & challenging design like the most talk about "Cybertruck", we are the first and the only (2 pc rotors) brake company offers a comprehensive brake upgrade including a BBK to deal with the weight (vehicle+payload/towing) and we predict the result from our knowing OE system and needed improvement.
We are pleased to be a sponsor of this forum and here is what we can offer for Cybertruck. Standard Iron brake replacement & BBK: https://racingbrake.com/cybertruck/ Carbon ceramic brake BBK: https://racingbrake.com/tes-ct-ccb-410-390/ We expect to start shipping stock replacement rotors in...
Cybertruck is very unconventional so its brake.
This is a fitment test of our 6 pot HD caliper with 410mm rotor under OE 20" wheel.