Call from Lotus to receive an Emira FE 1 year earlier !


Nov 9, 2021
Reaction score
Watford , UK
I recently received an email from Lotus that my expected delivery was going to be pushed back to Q1 2024.

I just had a call from them stating that they had a cancellation for a spec almost identical to mine which I could receive next month.

Having discussed the spec it is pretty much identical to mine, Seneca blue, touring suspension, black pack, alcantara interior.

The only difference being that it has privacy glass and silver wheels. I don’t mind the change in rims but I am not sure about the privacy glass as I read on the forum that you won’t be able to see the engine if it is has the privacy glass which I kind of wanted but not sure if I want it that much to wait another year ?

I’m not in a major rush for the car as I have other sports cars to drive but a year is a long time to wait. I’m also not sure if I would benefit waiting a year for any early production faults to be resolved.

Thoughts please !
I recently received an email from Lotus that my expected delivery was going to be pushed back to Q1 2024.

I just had a call from them stating that they had a cancellation for a spec almost identical to mine which I could receive next month.

Having discussed the spec it is pretty much identical to mine, Seneca blue, touring suspension, black pack, alcantara interior.

The only difference being that it has privacy glass and silver wheels. I don’t mind the change in rims but I am not sure about the privacy glass as I read on the forum that you won’t be able to see the engine if it is has the privacy glass which I kind of wanted but not sure if I want it that much to wait another year ?

I’m not in a major rush for the car as I have other sports cars to drive but a year is a long time to wait. I’m also not sure if I would benefit waiting a year for any early production faults to be resolved.

Thoughts please !
You will get mixed opinions on this matter. I had ordered privacy glass and you can still see the engine from the outside in the light. In certain lights its darker. I'd get yourself to your nearest dealer and have a look at whatever they have as a demo.
I would jump on it!

At this point, I don't think there is a configuration I'd turn down if I could get it within a couple of months. :ROFLMAO:
WOW feels like the waiting list is dwindling if they have to go back a year, you would think the blue was a popular colour choice.
Yes privacy glass definitely reduces clearly seeing the engine cover. Ade shows this in his video of all the colour and privacy v’s non privacy.
Yes agree more teething issues would be sorted by that time, so completely which is the greater appeal to yourself. If you decide not to take maybe your Q1 2024 may naturally move forward anyway as Lotus progress with output next year. I think if your pondering 🤔 and not jumping at the chance you’ve answered the question
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If it were me I'd take the earlier one. I'd tell them as part of that deal I'd make them switch the wheels to the right ones. No reason they can't do that.
I guess the privacy glass is tinted permanently into the glass? If it were just a film applied they are removable. If you havent seen the privacy option in person I'd try to go see it if able.
I recently received an email from Lotus that my expected delivery was going to be pushed back to Q1 2024.

I just had a call from them stating that they had a cancellation for a spec almost identical to mine which I could receive next month.

Having discussed the spec it is pretty much identical to mine, Seneca blue, touring suspension, black pack, alcantara interior.

The only difference being that it has privacy glass and silver wheels. I don’t mind the change in rims but I am not sure about the privacy glass as I read on the forum that you won’t be able to see the engine if it is has the privacy glass which I kind of wanted but not sure if I want it that much to wait another year ?

I’m not in a major rush for the car as I have other sports cars to drive but a year is a long time to wait. I’m also not sure if I would benefit waiting a year for any early production faults to be resolved.

Thoughts please !
Hmmm... in terms of spec, irrelevant, privacy glass or not, who cares to be honest..its something you wont even think about after a few days! People are very nit picky, but its crazy....
Your real issue as you say are early faults, which MUST be SURELY getting sorted bit by bit.... and if you live close to a dealer, then I dont think u have a big problem there.
If you like the car, if you dont care about the potential depreciation you face (which I think you will soon face with ANY none GT special series car) the GO FOR IT!!!.....
I say it's better to wait unless you are the instant gratification kind of person. Given the long wait, you'll get a car with less quality issues (I'm a believer in not buying a first model year - regardless of brand) and may have more options before you lock in the spec (colors, etc and potentially an S or similar version).
If they will change the wheels, I would go for it. There are no guarantees about delivery in 2023 or 2024 for those on the waiting list.
If they will change the wheels, I would go for it. There are no guarantees about delivery in 2023 or 2024 for those on the waiting list.
Lotus are a 100% rigid in that they will not change any part of the spec you take it or leave it. They will not even omit anything like tracker or Homelink let alone change something
Lotus are a 100% rigid in that they will not change any part of the spec you take it or leave it. They will not even omit anything like tracker or Homelink let alone change something
I guess due to demand, they are calling all the shots. Tuff choice but you may be happier getting your exact build at a much later date.
Congrats on the opportunity.

I'm also getting the sense that cancellations are increasing and waitlists are decreasing.
I would jump on it!

At this point, I don't think there is a configuration I'd turn down if I could get it within a couple of months. :ROFLMAO:

Yeah, jump on it! I specced tint on mine. Looks cleaner and uniformed with the black pack IMO. It's not that dark and you can still see the engine. I actually just posted a couple indoor/outdoor comparison pics of engine view with the tint on my Instagram.
I think that must be my order I cancelled - identical spec and delivery slot incl the silver wheels. As others have said, you can still see the engine with the privacy. B&C suggested it was tinted film you could remove - but I thought it was the glass itself that was tinted, not sure if others can confirm.
I would not take it - I personally believe the waitlist for V6 F/E cars will not go into 2024. (base and i4 F/E - yes) You will most likely receive your allocation/build slot sooner than that with all that is happening.

I'm putting on my conspiracy theory hat on for this one, so bare with me haha;

I think Lotus sent out further 2024 delays to entice current depositor's to take earlier V6 F/E builds due to the large number of cancellations they have been receiving. You are the second forum member to say that you got pushed out and then offered a car over 12 months faster? This IMO is Lotus trying to put out the fire, without going down the road of allowing changes to specs. If that came out, their already busy phone lines will double. This IMO is Lotus "creating" a delay to pawn off cancelled spaces to make it enticing.

** I will say, I have no idea if this is correct, but certainly seems convenient. They have a backlog to return deposits at the same time need to find new owners for those cars as well.

** I also want to note, that yes of course everything has been delayed, especially the base and i4. But I think they want to move as many V6 F/E's as possible to be able to launch the new configurator and i4. IMO Lotus do not want to be building V6 F/E's past the 2023 calendar year. Just doesn't make sense to build those alongside base models.
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I would not take it - I personally believe the waitlist for V6 F/E cars will not go into 2024. (base and i4 F/E - yes) You will most likely receive your allocation/build slot sooner than that with all that is happening.

I'm putting on my conspiracy theory hat on for this one, so bare with me haha;

I think Lotus sent out further 2024 delays to entice current depositor's to take earlier V6 F/E builds due to the large number of cancellations they have been receiving. You are the second forum member to say that you got pushed out and then offered a car over 12 months faster? This IMO is Lotus trying to put out the fire, without going down the road of allowing changes to specs. If that came out, their already busy phone lines will double. This IMO is Lotus "creating" a delay to pawn off cancelled spaces to make it enticing.

** I will say, I have no idea if this is correct, but certainly seems convenient. They have a backlog to return deposits at the same time need to find new owners for those cars as well.

** I also want to note, that yes of course everything has been delayed, especially the base and i4. But I think they want to move as many V6 F/E's as possible to be able to launch the new configurator and i4. IMO Lotus do not want to be building V6 F/E's past the 2023 calendar year. Just doesn't make sense to build those alongside base models.

I would not take it - I personally believe the waitlist for V6 F/E cars will not go into 2024. (base and i4 F/E - yes) You will most likely receive your allocation/build slot sooner than that with all that is happening.

I'm putting on my conspiracy theory hat on for this one, so bare with me haha;

I think Lotus sent out further 2024 delays to entice current depositor's to take earlier V6 F/E builds due to the large number of cancellations they have been receiving. You are the second forum member to say that you got pushed out and then offered a car over 12 months faster? This IMO is Lotus trying to put out the fire, without going down the road of allowing changes to specs. If that came out, their already busy phone lines will double. This IMO is Lotus "creating" a delay to pawn off cancelled spaces to make it enticing.

** I will say, I have no idea if this is correct, but certainly seems convenient. They have a backlog to return deposits at the same time need to find new owners for those cars as well.

** I also want to note, that yes of course everything has been delayed, especially the base and i4. But I think they want to move as many V6 F/E's as possible to be able to launch the new configurator and i4. IMO Lotus do not want to be building V6 F/E's past the 2023 calendar year. Just doesn't make sense to build those alongside base models.
Your comments make a lot of sense, wouldn't be surprised at all. Of course doubt we will ever truly "know" but sure we can guess if this is right as time goes on.
I would not take it - I personally believe the waitlist for V6 F/E cars will not go into 2024. (base and i4 F/E - yes) You will most likely receive your allocation/build slot sooner than that with all that is happening.

I'm putting on my conspiracy theory hat on for this one, so bare with me haha;

I think Lotus sent out further 2024 delays to entice current depositor's to take earlier V6 F/E builds due to the large number of cancellations they have been receiving. You are the second forum member to say that you got pushed out and then offered a car over 12 months faster? This IMO is Lotus trying to put out the fire, without going down the road of allowing changes to specs. If that came out, their already busy phone lines will double. This IMO is Lotus "creating" a delay to pawn off cancelled spaces to make it enticing.

** I will say, I have no idea if this is correct, but certainly seems convenient. They have a backlog to return deposits at the same time need to find new owners for those cars as well.

** I also want to note, that yes of course everything has been delayed, especially the base and i4. But I think they want to move as many V6 F/E's as possible to be able to launch the new configurator and i4. IMO Lotus do not want to be building V6 F/E's past the 2023 calendar year. Just doesn't make sense to build those alongside base models.
Everyone loves a conspiracy theory lol we should of kept a poll as would of been interesting to see just how many cancellations that there has been and by month - so are they increasing or decreasing when demos kicked in
I wonder how they pick who gets the accelerated car, sounds like your spec is very similar to mine, so, this one is very similar, and I'm currently estimated for Feb build. I would imagine there are others earlier in the queue as well with similar builds. Perhaps they will only offer an earlier build if you would jump ahead by a number of months?

Personally, as this is the first car I'm getting brand new, I want the spec I want, I wouldn't take a cancellation unless it was identical, but each person will have their own view on this.
I wonder how they pick who gets the accelerated car, sounds like your spec is very similar to mine, so, this one is very similar, and I'm currently estimated for Feb build. I would imagine there are others earlier in the queue as well with similar builds. Perhaps they will only offer an earlier build if you would jump ahead by a number of months?

Personally, as this is the first car I'm getting brand new, I want the spec I want, I wouldn't take a cancellation unless it was identical, but each person will have their own view on this.
A couple months is probably not enough to entice someone to take an earlier build slot; especially with a small difference in spec. 14-15 months earlier I can see someone jumping on it. If trying to shorten the V6 F/E build timeline, they would be offering cancelled orders to the people at the end. If you're already scheduled for production, would not make sense.

Easier to replace a name on a build sheet/purchase order than trying to shuffle production around and remove builds which are already in place with parts sourced accordingly.

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