Lotus cancelled my order


Emira Fiend
Feb 4, 2022
Reaction score
County Durham
There’s a Nimbus with red leather n black wheels ready for January that will be getting rehoming from my cancellation yesterday ( well Lotus cancelled me lol )
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Lotus cancelled on you??!
Yes against terms n conditions to immediately sell car so watch out who dobbs you in to Lotus as then Lotus Cancels You 🤣 🤣🤣 it’s a relief really as demand not really there so a few quid not worth the risk of a £80k deadweight that you can’t shift. As we’ve seen this week people soon panic to be the cheapest then prices just tumble like a pack of cards
Yes against terms n conditions to immediately sell car so watch out who dobbs you in to Lotus as then Lotus Cancels You 🤣 🤣🤣 it’s a relief really as demand not really there so a few quid not worth the risk of a £80k deadweight that you can’t shift. As we’ve seen this week people soon panic to be the cheapest then prices just tumble like a pack of cards
Did you get any calls about the car on AutoTrader?
Yes against terms n conditions to immediately sell car so watch out who dobbs you in to Lotus as then Lotus Cancels You 🤣 🤣🤣 it’s a relief really as demand not really there so a few quid not worth the risk of a £80k deadweight that you can’t shift. As we’ve seen this week people soon panic to be the cheapest then prices just tumble like a pack of cards
I doubt anyone needed to dob you in, it's pretty easy to work out who's selling their car based on spec, location and the fact that only 50 UK cars have gone out the door so far!
I doubt anyone needed to dob you in, it's pretty easy to work out who's selling their car based on spec, location and the fact that only 50 UK cars have gone out the door so far!
And if you publish on social media that you intend to sell straight away after delivery... :)
Yes against terms n conditions to immediately sell car so watch out who dobbs you in to Lotus as then Lotus Cancels You 🤣 🤣🤣 it’s a relief really as demand not really there so a few quid not worth the risk of a £80k deadweight that you can’t shift. As we’ve seen this week people soon panic to be the cheapest then prices just tumble like a pack of cards
I guess you missed the thread where the DV made 27g and two year wait list . Low demand🤪
Sounds more like bitter.
I find this pretty fucked up.

We’re continually messed around by lotus over an 18 month period, being strung along by one delivery story after another.

Our 5k has been invested for most of this time.

Then…. We’re not allowed to sell our car… because lotus are control freaks?!

Perhaps they could invest more time sorting themselves out rather than employing internet police to try and control people’s behaviour?

Wtf ??!
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I guess you missed the thread where the DV made 27g and two year wait list . Low demand🤪
Sounds more like bitter.
My car wasn’t DV so not relevant and that was a dealer so premium.
How is that bitter - not at all I was relieved as I had done checkout as my new car wasn’t coming until at least April, so I said I’d waited so long for the car I was going to use it until my BMW came ( as I’ve been without a car since the summer 2021 ) . Then I got the option of a cancelled order also coming January. I also have a property purchase going thro so cash flow then a bit stretched.
My relief was due to fact is done checkout you can’t cancel at that point without losing your £5k
We only have 1 garage and 4 vehicles 🚗 so I didn’t want an Emira out in the cold 🥶 for any length of time, my cars are garage Kings 👑

My husband thought it was hilarious, and it is funny after all of this wait that Lotus cancelled me due to fact they received a call. Anyway enough of that people like Green will always make their own assumptions and conclusion, even though they don’t know me from Adam and the full circumstances.
I’m just overjoyed 😁 that I finally get myself a car 🚗 again it’s been difficult not having a pride n joy ❤️
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My car wasn’t DV so not relevant and that was a dealer so premium.
How is that bitter - not at all I was relieved as I had done checkout as my new car wasn’t coming until at least April, so I said I’d waited so long for the car I was going to use it until my BMW came ( as I’ve been without a car since the summer 2021 ) . Then I got the option of a cancelled order also coming January. I also have a property purchase going thro so cash flow then a bit stretched.
My relief was due to fact is done checkout you can’t cancel at that point without losing your £5k
We only have 1 garage and 4 vehicles 🚗 so I didn’t want an Emira out in the cold 🥶 for any length of time, my cars are garage Kings 👑

My husband thought it was hilarious, and it is funny after all of this wait that Lotus cancelled me due to fact they received a call. Anyway enough of that people like Green will always make their own assumptions and conclusion, even though they don’t know me from Adam and the full circumstances.
I’m just overjoyed 😁 that I finally get myself a car 🚗 again it’s been difficult not having a pride n joy ❤️
Oh sorry I must have misinterpreted your comment about dead weight you cannot shift. Enjoy the Barney Bimmer.
My car wasn’t DV so not relevant and that was a dealer so premium.
How is that bitter - not at all I was relieved as I had done checkout as my new car wasn’t coming until at least April, so I said I’d waited so long for the car I was going to use it until my BMW came ( as I’ve been without a car since the summer 2021 ) . Then I got the option of a cancelled order also coming January. I also have a property purchase going thro so cash flow then a bit stretched.
My relief was due to fact is done checkout you can’t cancel at that point without losing your £5k
We only have 1 garage and 4 vehicles 🚗 so I didn’t want an Emira out in the cold 🥶 for any length of time, my cars are garage Kings 👑

My husband thought it was hilarious, and it is funny after all of this wait that Lotus cancelled me due to fact they received a call. Anyway enough of that people like Green will always make their own assumptions and conclusion, even though they don’t know me from Adam and the full circumstances.
I’m just overjoyed 😁 that I finally get myself a car 🚗 again it’s been difficult not having a pride n joy ❤️
Assuming you get your £5K back, big assumption, then it sounds like a missed opportunity for Lotus as you would have happily had a car at one point in that journey. Their loss then.
I find this pretty fucked up.

We’re continually messed around by lotus over an 18 month period, being strung along by one delivery story after another.

Our 5k has been invested for most of this time.

Then…. We’re not allowed to sell our car… because lotus are control freaks?!

Perhaps they could invest more time sorting themselves out rather than employing internet police to try and control people’s behaviour?

Wtf ??!
I get your point but you need to consider the only reason they are doing it is to mitigate the number of flippers, yeah some actual owners may be affected by it but in the end of the day they are trying to solve the issue thus making waiting times shorter (if they really do their job properly). If you’d take a 15% assumption for the number of flippers from the number of deposits, even if they’re able just cancel half of those it’s a minimum of 2 months shortening of the waiting time, so IMO good job Lotus (even thou some owners might be affected by it).
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I get your point but you need to consider the only reason they are doing it is to mitigate the number of flippers, yeah some actual owners may be affected by it but in the end of the day they are trying to solve the issue thus making waiting times shorter (if they really do their job properly). If you’d take a 15% assumption for the number of flippers from the number of deposits, even if they’re able just cancel half of those it’s a minimum of 2 months shortening of the waiting time, so IMO good job Lotus (even thou some owners might be affected by it).
To reduce it Lotus would also need to align dealers as some are taking in “flipped “ cars and the way they are getting around it is making sure car has a small amount of mileage 😉
I get your point but you need to consider the only reason they are doing it is to mitigate the number of flippers, yeah some actual owners may be affected by it but in the end of the day they are trying to solve the issue thus making waiting times shorter (if they really do their job properly). If you’d take a 15% assumption for the number of flippers from the number of deposits, even if they’re able just cancel half of those it’s a minimum of 2 months shortening of the waiting time, so IMO good job Lotus (even thou some owners might be affected by it).

Let’s be honest the issue getting cars to customers is that lotus seem unable to get their shit together, not that 7 delivered cars have been put up for sale!
I get your point but you need to consider the only reason they are doing it is to mitigate the number of flippers, yeah some actual owners may be affected by it but in the end of the day they are trying to solve the issue thus making waiting times shorter (if they really do their job properly). If you’d take a 15% assumption for the number of flippers from the number of deposits, even if they’re able just cancel half of those it’s a minimum of 2 months shortening of the waiting time, so IMO good job Lotus (even thou some owners might be affected by it).
Spot on. Can’t stand flippers.
I’d be willing to bet some of those now complaining and cancelling are exactly that - disappointed flippers.
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