July deposit


Active member
Oct 26, 2021
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Has anyone with deposits on 12th July received a call with an approx. delivery month, yet?
Yes, sort of. I got an email, as they tried to call me (once) and I couldn't answer the call. I was given from the 8th March to the 10th to lock in my spec. Delivery for August, however I've asked for a few more clarifications before final spec. I've not had a response since and i suspect I'm out of the queue now...
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I spoke with customer service, and the calls are up to the deposits of 11th July. I was only worrying as my first deposit was via a dealer and refunded. Hopefully we will get the call soon.
I took a call last week, deposit 12th July morning, I've been told an August delivery, but like others, have had a few questions. Sent an email over to CS on the 10th but haven't heard back yet. As far as I understand it I'm still in the August delivery but if I want to change anything now I'll be delayed to September or October
Deposit morning 13th no 3rd call yet