Service packs?


Emira Fan
Sep 28, 2021
Reaction score
Berkshire, England
Is it just me or have there been no communications regarding service packs for the Emira? Seems slightly strange as I thought most new cars were sold these days with the ability to purchase e.g. 3 or 5 year service packs.
I asked about this at the roadshows and was told, by Scott, that extending the warranty would be possible so I'm sure they will take your money up front.
I've not heard anything so far on service packs. Evoras and Elises/Exiges had fixed price service schedules across the UK dealers, so you knew what each time- or mileage-related service was going to cost. I expect Emira will have the same.
I've not heard anything so far on service packs. Evoras and Elises/Exiges had fixed price service schedules across the UK dealers, so you knew what each time- or mileage-related service was going to cost. I expect Emira will have the same.
I figured with Lotus going D2C it may be something they want to offer in conjunction with dealer base

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