How we approach moderating on the forum


Emira Fanatic
Sep 14, 2022
Reaction score
So Calif.
Moderator note: copied from another thread to start a discussion on how we approach moderation on the forum

What's with the power trip of some moderator's deleting posts? That never happened to me until we got some additions to the police force here?
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What's with the power trip of some moderator's deleting posts? That never happened to me until we got some additions to the police force here?
ohhh yes it has.... haha.... If you think you have a lot of posts deleted, you should check out mine... ohhh no, thats not going to work is it..... too late
The main reasons for moderators moving or deleting posts are if they break the member conduct rules (see the link to rules in the footer of every page and here) or are clearly off topic. In most cases the moderator will include a note when moving or deleting a post, which the original poster can see in their notifications. Deleted posts remain accessible to moderators/admins, in case any later review or reinstatement is required.

In some cases, moderators may post a request in a thread about staying on topic and may then delete prior and/or following posts without adding a note to each poster.

If posts break the rules then the poster may also be issued with a warning. Details on warnings and actions for more serious or ongoing rule breaking are explained in the member conduct section of the rules here.
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The main reasons for moderators moving or deleting posts are if they break the member conduct rules (see the link to rules in the footer of every page and here) or are clearly off topic. In most cases the moderator will include a note when moving or deleting a post, which the original poster can see in their notifications. Deleted posts remain accessible to moderators/admins, in case any later review or reinstatement is required.

In some cases, moderators may post a request in a thread about staying on topic and may then delete prior and/or following posts without adding a note to each poster.

If posts break the rules then the poster may also be issued with a warning. Details on warnings and actions for more serious or ongoing rule breaking are explained in the member conduct section of the rules here.
I may be guilty of straying off course (when properly baited ..:) ) but I always strive to keep my posts respectful and lighthearted. I just hope the oversight doesn't become something resembling Fakebook.
I may be guilty of straying off course (when properly baited ..:) ) but I always strive to keep my posts respectful and lighthearted. I just hope the oversight doesn't become something resembling Fakebook.
with respect and a heavy heart..... I....agree
It's a difficult balance. Moderation on here is fairly light touch and we allow a certain amount of banter and single off topic posts or mixed on/off topic within a post.

It's usually only when a large tangent starts that we consider taking action. Sometimes that means moving the tangent to start a new thread or into an existing one.

We also then get some people unhappy about threads being allowed to stray off topic and some about them being over-moderating. That's life!

Some threads are more difficult to moderate. As an example, the "I'm out" thread covers a wide range of topics that could be moved into other topics, but generally the posts are all prompted by cancellations. A side discussion about a Vantage or F-Type as a candidate instead of a cancelled Emira could go into the "Emira vs the competition" sub-forum or stay there.

The "issues found on production cars" is another tricky one, as we want it to be about field reports from owners but inevitably it will lead into some people trying to help solve the issues and others who want to express concern about what is being reported.

All the moderators are doing this in their spare time and we all try to get the right balance. We're happy to discuss the general approach to moderation and hear feedback about what we could do differently. A topic for a new thread I suggest... :)
It's a difficult balance. Moderation on here is fairly light touch and we allow a certain amount of banter and single off topic posts or mixed on/off topic within a post.

It's usually only when a large tangent starts that we consider taking action. Sometimes that means moving the tangent to start a new thread or into an existing one.

We also then get some people unhappy about threads being allowed to stray off topic and some about them being over-moderating. That's life!

Some threads are more difficult to moderate. As an example, this "I'm out" thread covers a wide range of topics that could be moved into other topics, but generally the posts are all prompted by cancellations. A side discussion about a Vantage or F-Type as a candidate instead of a cancelled Emira could go into the "Emira vs the competition" sub-forum or stay here.

The "issues found on production cars" is another tricky one, as we want it to be about field reports from owners but inevitably it will lead into some people trying to help solve the issues and others who want to express concern about what is being reported.

All the moderators are doing this in their spare time and we all try to get the right balance. We're happy to discuss the general approach to moderation and hear feedback about what we could do differently. A topic for a new thread I suggest... :)
I think china offer the same moderating control, guess this will be moderated accordingly and I’ll get an email confirming I’m a really naughty boy!!
Can I ask an honest question, do you moderators get paid seeing as ads are part of this set up
I'd imagine the adds are on the developers side to make it free for people like us to use forums.... not specific to each forum and no money into each actual forum
I think china offer the same moderating control, guess this will be moderated accordingly and I’ll get an email confirming I’m a really naughty boy!!
This is the kind of thing that isn't particularly helpful and does get deleted, yes. If you wanted to make a point about moderation in a more constructive way then that's fine.
Can I ask an honest question, do you moderators get paid seeing as ads are part of this set up
If you are a logged in as a registered member then I'm pretty sure you don't see any adverts. Only guest visitors who haven't registered/logged in will see them.

@supersix or @Dragoon can say more about the forum costs and how they are covered. Moderators do the role voluntarily and without being paid.
I think it's great someone is taking their role seriously. Bimmerpost for instance can go sideways and result in a lot of personal attacks etc.
I like to think this should be similiar to chatting in a pub. What takes us days to figure out here would take 90 seconds of chatting in a pub. A good rule to follow may be work is serious emiraforum is not serious.
I suggest everyone check out car talk on Miata net. With the exception of the terribly boring people it’s great
wait.... are we now moderating the moderators?

Kind of! We’re asking what kind of community we want here. What’s acceptable and what’s not. The forum rules are clear on the obvious stuff. But there are grey areas, where some might prefer more guard rails and others may not. That can vary by sub-forum and thread too.

The sub-forums about aspects of the car (engine, electronics etc) are often where people go to find information and solutions to problems, rather than to debate the merits of that feature. So I think people prefer less off topic discussion there.

Sub-forums about purchasing, regional groups, competitor cars and general chat are more free-flowing and so “pub chat”, banter and debate are more likely.

As an example, the test drives thread is the most heavily curated thread on the forum, to maintain the focus on first hand feedback from drives by forum members.

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