Apparently there is a head of customer experience at Lotus

This job popped up on my feed. It reports to the Head of Customer Experience. I wonder what they are doing? There’s also a customer experience strategy. I wonder if that includes communication with and listening to customers?.
I’ll do it part time for free. No cost. Just tell me where to sign-up and I’ll help.
This job popped up on my feed. It reports to the Head of Customer Experience. I wonder what they are doing? There’s also a customer experience strategy. I wonder if that includes communication with and listening to customers?.
one if his or her roles is it said:
• Manage escalated customer concerns, turning them round to a positive resolution
Good luck with that one!
I am assuming the head of customer experience has been on leave or long term sick for the last 12 months or so? either that or they seriously need to be receiving a P45 soon....
Lol. The role was advertised in December but got withdrawn within a week. Assume it went internally or to a 'must have' candidate
A few years back I met Head of Customer Emotional Satisfaction at Mclaren cars at a dealer presentation and dinner. Luckily she sat next to me at dinner. I have a background in global car strategy so can talk 'car manufacturing speak' ( sometime know as talking Detroit bollox).

I made it clear that I thought her job title was unusual and enquired how she measured success ?

She said taking a 4 inch by 2 inch by 3 foot long piece of wood and whacking corporate factory types and designers around the head to get them to understand real issues and not internal issues was her job. She said Corporate types intellectualising issues were the biggest block to progress.

Altered my prejudice about Job Titles
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