New video on YouTube by WhichBike (Evotion), featuring renders by Eagle7


Emira Maniac
Dec 17, 2021
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Ogdensburg NY
Just found this today, he got to do a visit with TomE and the others. I was hoping he would have some photos, but just descriptions. I like this guy, shares a little more information for us and refers to Eagle7's renders throughout the vid.

Evotion I believe is the account he uses on here (Ade)
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A very good chat. It was nice to hear a first hand discussion of the open day and feel that excitement.

I think I agree with him about the black roof, despite having locked that in right from the start. The colours are so good that it’s hard not to want as much of them as possible. And it will be immediately on display each time you walk up to the door.

I still have a slight reservation about the new configurator’s magma red… I can’t equate the brightness of the video red to the very maroon disk I saw in Melbourne. But surely they checked and rechecked the colours before launch, knowing how pedantic we all are…?
A very good chat. It was nice to hear a first hand discussion of the open day and feel that excitement.

I think I agree with him about the black roof, despite having locked that in right from the start. The colours are so good that it’s hard not to want as much of them as possible. And it will be immediately on display each time you walk up to the door.

I still have a slight reservation about the new configurator’s magma red… I can’t equate the brightness of the video red to the very maroon disk I saw in Melbourne. But surely they checked and rechecked the colours before launch, knowing how pedantic we all are…?
Agree with you on Magma. Its definately maroon / burgundy and not red.

Weird thing is that people who saw it in Hethel on the car are saying it has a gold fleck. The paint sample I saw (same one as you!) had silver fleck in it and I looked very, very carefully. Fire red definately has gold fleck in it which I hate as yellow plus maroon throws off a brown.
Just found this today, he got to do a visit with TomE and the others. I was hoping he would have some photos, but just descriptions. I like this guy, shares a little more information for us and refers to Eagle7's renders throughout the vid.

Yes, that's Ade/Evotion who was on the visit with me at Hethel last Friday. We weren't allowed to take photos inside the site sadly. Looks like I succeeded in staying out of camera shot!

Is this kind of like the Zoom call you were after @TXEMIRA ?
Agree with you on Magma. Its definately maroon / burgundy and not red.

Weird thing is that people who saw it in Hethel on the car are saying it has a gold fleck. The paint sample I saw (same one as you!) had silver fleck in it and I looked very, very carefully. Fire red definately has gold fleck in it which I hate as yellow plus maroon throws off a brown.

It's definitely a gold fleck in Magma Red:

Yes, that's Ade/Evotion who was on the visit with me at Hethel last Friday. We weren't allowed to take photos inside the site sadly. Looks like I succeeded in staying out of camera shot!

Is this kind of like the Zoom call you were after @TXEMIRA ?
We will take what we can get here across the pond. :)
10/10 enthusiasm! What's his name on the Emira forums?
Evotion - he's more active over on The Lotus Forums and Lotus Talk. He's new to Lotus and has an interesting car and bike history, so a great perspective on what it's like to become a new Lotus customer and owner.
Interesting... @digilotus and I saw the same disks in Melbourne. I, too, think the fleck was silver, and the red was super dark -- much darker than the disks others have been showing on the forums.

You're right, that is strange. I wonder if they sent the wrong sample? Have you or others got good close up pics of the Melbourne one so we can check?
A very good chat. It was nice to hear a first hand discussion of the open day and feel that excitement.

I think I agree with him about the black roof, despite having locked that in right from the start. The colours are so good that it’s hard not to want as much of them as possible. And it will be immediately on display each time you walk up to the door.

I still have a slight reservation about the new configurator’s magma red… I can’t equate the brightness of the video red to the very maroon disk I saw in Melbourne. But surely they checked and rechecked the colours before launch, knowing how pedantic we all are…?
I found on the vid especially but actually using my work monitor the colours were lighter (720p HD) and quite a cheap monitor.
Moving the configurator over to my HP laptop with a proper HD screen the colours dropped a few degrees in brightness.
On the work monitor the DV Green looked like the very old configurator (British Racing Green), on the HP screen it was much more like the descriptions given and the darker green / black that was expected.

I think the new configurator is amazing and nothing I have seen from any other configurator (look how awful some of the richest car makers configurators are!) - but I still want to see them in real life like the guys who went to Lotus :)
You're right, that is strange. I wonder if they sent the wrong sample? Have you or others got good close up pics of the Melbourne one so we can check?

@TomE @Johnson - I didn't take make many photos of Magma as I wasn't interested in it. But have attached a few of the ones I did take.The last one is outside so there's a lot of white reflections off nearby concrete buildings which is why it looks a lot lighter.

But no gold fleck in sight! To my naked eye, the fleck was silver underneath a deep maroon. Maybe you saw it under halogen lights so the silver fleck looked gold? :)

For those interested, you can see some of the blue fleck within Shadow Grey in these shots...


Buy Shadow and get some Seneca thrown in for free. :ROFLMAO:
It's definitely a gold fleck in Magma Red:

View attachment 2645

Tom, what about the comments about Magma being quite burgundy? I'm struggling to believe the brightness I'm seeing on the new configurator - you've seen it in real conditions (inside and out?), is the configurator still off the mark?
Like others, during the roadshow I took the sample disc outside and placed it onto a Fire Red car and it was a VERY close match. IMHO Fire Red is really quite dull/burgundy in anything other than strong/bright daylight.
I desperately want to love Magma, on the configurator it looks fantastic, but I still can't quite trust it 😭


@TomE, here’s a couple of my photos, taken outside in the sun (partial cloud). You can probably see why I can’t imagine a bright red from this.

Looking at @digilotus photos, something struck me as weird… only his convex images were dark (I didn’t take any of the concave). Perhaps only the convex side was wrong?
View attachment 2654
View attachment 2655

@TomE, here’s a couple of my photos, taken outside in the sun (partial cloud). You can probably see why I can’t imagine a bright red from this.

Looking at @digilotus photos, something struck me as weird… only his convex images were dark (I didn’t take any of the concave). Perhaps only the convex side was wrong?
I actually think that the daylight configurator is pretty close and that the sample is correct. Also comparing to Fire Red for reference...

@TomE @Johnson - I didn't take make many photos of Magma as I wasn't interested in it. But have attached a few of the ones I did take.The last one is outside so there's a lot of white reflections off nearby concrete buildings which is why it looks a lot lighter.

But no gold fleck in sight! To my naked eye, the fleck was silver underneath a deep maroon. Maybe you saw it under halogen lights so the silver fleck looked gold? :)

View attachment 2648View attachment 2649View attachment 2651View attachment 2650
View attachment 2654
View attachment 2655

@TomE, here’s a couple of my photos, taken outside in the sun (partial cloud). You can probably see why I can’t imagine a bright red from this.

Looking at @digilotus photos, something struck me as weird… only his convex images were dark (I didn’t take any of the concave). Perhaps only the convex side was wrong?

It's very odd, those don't look like the samples I've seen at my dealer, at the factory or on the car.

My photos of the roadshow samples are outside on a wall away from as many other surfaces as possible, with a strong overhead sun. I made a point of looking closely at all of them and writing down what flecks were in each, as I knew they wouldn't be easy to see in uploaded re-sized photos.

I'm baffled by this, as the gold fleck was one of the standout things we saw on the factory car, which was in the production hall but right by a huge floor to ceiling window and bathed in sunlight.

As I posted elsewhere, one of Eagle7's most recent renders is very close to what me, Ade, Greg and Andrew saw - we all picked this one out as the closest match when we got home:

Magma Latest (close to factory).png
I noticed in the credit on screen, that he listed the renders by EagleT which I got a laugh out of, but it's all good. I LOVED his enthusiasm, and it really came across as genuine. I can't wait to see what the press has to say about the press review cars by the time those come out.

I think he pretty much summed up what this car is going to be when he said it's going to be epic. That's how I feel about it, and have from the moment I saw it from the Goodwood pictures and videos.

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