Emira Manufacturing Video

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this video has been around for a while now, but always good to view again...
So how come I see many people working on a car but only one signs it, do they flip a coin? :)

Well actually no one signs it with the Emira. It'd be nice if we were getting a little signed plaque, but just a generic badge for First Editions. Not sure if base spec Emira will get anything.
Well they'd have to say "Built in Hethel" now, wouldn't they!

Am I showing my age by remembering this pastiche of the old Fiat Strada advert? Seems appropriate :)

Presuming they are achieving a certain rate of throughput, there's gotta be a ton of WIP. They have to be putting inventory somewhere around the facility.
Well they'd have to say "Built in Hethel" now, wouldn't they!

Am I showing my age by remembering this pastiche of the old Fiat Strada advert? Seems appropriate :)

As we go Bob, Bob, bobbing along.
Not the 9 o'lock News was brilliant back in the day.
The funny thing is, that it appeared on PBS channel in the US. For the unitiated, it had a highbrow reputation despite content.

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