Shmee 150 Emira Update

He says I’ll give you an update on
my Emira but we will come to that later….

I’ve got no clue when my Emira is going to turn up lol 😂
That's YouTubers for you... :p
He’s coming to the USA and I’d love to say hey to him. I watch way too many car review YouTube vids lol
Spoke to Shmee today at a meet and greet event and asked if he has any Emira news on expected delivery - he said he now has agreed date to film the car being built in about one week
Please go to the ENT promptly and check your hearing. His tone could have created lasting damage. It's called Long Schmee. Hopefully he didn't introduce himself, that is the most dangerous moment.
I have packed my lunch for tomorrow already,

I am making a sandwich with some SHMEE spread and lettuce.
I shared here in dubai some trackday in dubai autodrome with him and is very nice guy , waiting for the video … maybe with luck I can see my nimbus october production also 🤞🤞
I shared here in dubai some trackday in dubai autodrome with him and is very nice guy , waiting for the video … maybe with luck I can see my nimbus october production also 🤞🤞
All UAE cars from Feb next year from what I was told.
So he's in the Oct build / Nov delivery batch, along with about 400 of us :)
IFFFFFFF and it is an IF, but "he said" build first week of October..... do we not think there is the faintest possibility of him getting his car in said October?
FIlming the build sounds like spending a day at lotus in production if the second hand info is true, so surely the car will be ready very very soon. Then just the QC and finishing polishing and stuff off site, which cant take more than a week as they dont have hundreds of cars passing through and they should be set up for those 100's anyway!

After all, IFFFFF he has confirmed date for build, which none of the rest of us UK have, not even the September 99 tears have a confirmed date yet do they, then I have my suspicions that our friend MR Shxxxx may get his car sooner than the sept 9...... and Im betting he will get it in October.... out on a limb!

I do like a good speculation and thats mine for the day.... He will get his car before any UK person on this forum....
I don't begrudge him and its probably what Lotus should do... and I am SURE they will have an eye over his review before publishing in exchange.... or am I over reaching there with what lotus even think about.
if he does, then you would assume harry gets the same treatment and following on in order of importance, I surely come 3rd.. haha
Anyway, if the pound keeps dropping the way it is and with virtually every part on the car being brought in from abroad, even though a "British" car, this car is going to cost Ferrari money soon..... 💰💰
IFFFFFFF and it is an IF, but "he said" build first week of October..... do we not think there is the faintest possibility of him getting his car in said October?
FIlming the build sounds like spending a day at lotus in production if the second hand info is true, so surely the car will be ready very very soon. Then just the QC and finishing polishing and stuff off site, which cant take more than a week as they dont have hundreds of cars passing through and they should be set up for those 100's anyway!

After all, IFFFFF he has confirmed date for build, which none of the rest of us UK have, not even the September 99 tears have a confirmed date yet do they, then I have my suspicions that our friend MR Shxxxx may get his car sooner than the sept 9...... and Im betting he will get it in October.... out on a limb!

I do like a good speculation and thats mine for the day.... He will get his car before any UK person on this forum....
I don't begrudge him and its probably what Lotus should do... and I am SURE they will have an eye over his review before publishing in exchange.... or am I over reaching there with what lotus even think about.
if he does, then you would assume harry gets the same treatment and following on in order of importance, I surely come 3rd.. haha
I did ask Scott Walker about some high profile customers who seem to think they were getting there cars before longer deposit holders. He said that would never happen. I have to say, i am beginning to wonder now.
Anyway, if the pound keeps dropping the way it is and with virtually every part on the car being brought in from abroad, even though a "British" car, this car is going to cost Ferrari money soon..... 💰💰
Given what you said about the pound dropping in value, and also the reassurance from Matt Windle that the price we signed up for will be honoured. When do you think Lotus will put up prices for new deposit holders?

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