do we know how limited the first edition will be? worth paying 10k markup?


Apr 11, 2022
Reaction score
los angeles
my dealer charging 10k markup for fe. is the fe worth it? will it hold its value more in 1-3 years more?
No offense, but you've posted 3 different threads basically asking the same thing. Chill for a bit? You need to give time for people to actually respond to your other posts. People have lives outside of this forum.
My response to all 3 of your threads is this: get it if you're going to actually enjoy the car. If you're planning to flip it, please don't and let other people who actually want the car get it. Go get a Corvette, you'll have more buyers.
No offense, but you've posted 3 different threads basically asking the same thing. Chill for a bit? You need to give time for people to actually respond to your other posts. People have lives outside of this forum.
My response to all 3 of your threads is this: get it if you're going to actually enjoy the car. If you're planning to flip it, please don't and let other people who actually want the car get it. Go get a Corvette, you'll have more buyers.
Maybe if he keeps at it, he’ll get a different response that he wants to actually hear. Reminds me of an old annoying coworker from India, who was very skilled in the art of assaulting dead horses.
Recommendation: i would buy it and sell it for cocaine.
That's really not a bad idea. We could be even more efficient and just buy cocaine to start. Hear me out...

If the goal is to flip this for money, you're way better off buying cocaine. The amount required for the non-refundable downpayment on an FE could purchase a decent amount of this alternative product. You could separate out and sell enough to double or triple your money in a short period of time. Do this once and you've already reached the point that you'd net from a quick flip of the Emira after TTL & other fees.

Think about it. Cocaine is a better option in every way. It has unfettered demand irrespective of journalist reviews. Protecting your investment does not require a garage. A simple vacuum sealer or even some plastic bags will do the trick. Even a global financial collapse will not affect this investment. You can already buy and sell cocaine with BTC! You might even get an uptick in sales if shit hits the fan. People will only be emotionally attached to the idea of the Emira being in their possession. With Cocaine they could be physically dependent on it being in their system...

At this point, you're probably thinking "Yeah, but what about all the pussy I'm gonna pull with the Emira option?" Well, if that's a factor in your decision, Cocaine will hands down be the better me. It is noteworthy, however, that similar to the Emira, you should not actually use or enjoy the product if you're seeking to maximize your ROI.

I vote Cocaine, what an insightful option offered by


My dealer told me today (13 April) is the last day to order the V6 FE at their dealership
I just sold my M3 for 14K over with 400miles. I see no reason why the Emira will not fetch that to the lower 20s.

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