Been a while since I updated my thread, and not a lot happened since last time but what has happened is generally not positive...
One positive thing that has happened, that I think I've posted about elsewhere, is the passenger door was replaced successfully and the paint blended extremely well so you can't tell the door has been replaced. The reflections and metallic flake under different lights all seem perfect which was my main worry.
Now onto the negative things...
ABS/ESC is STILL not fixed, that'll be 1 year as of next weekend. It went to the dealer beginning of the year and the ABS sensor in front left wheel was replaced but it didn't fix the issue. What they did see when they replaced it was the wheel bearing/hub or whatever it is called where it sits was EXTREMELY rusty, definitely not what you would expect in a 1yr old car, and so the next stage is replacing that. The part has been on order since with no ETA and no guarantee it will fix the problem.
Paint is bubbling on the driver's door now, filling me with confidence for the rest of the body panels!
Getting crazy amounts of condensation in the car, once to the point there were physical water droplets on the inside of the windscreen, a couple dripping onto the dash. The only other time I've seen similar was when my GR Yaris chassis plugs failed and there was about an inch of water sitting in the passenger side under the carpet. Not seen any leaks or water collecting inside and the dealer reassured me it is normal, but I'm not convinced it is. Also condensation on the chassis rails under the carpet in the door sill. Pic taken after a 45min drive on a dry day. Anyone else noticed more condensation than expected?
View attachment 40370
Another minor thing is a rattle coming from the gear linkage most audible around 70mph in 6th gear, if I accelerate it rattles then if I push the stick further into the gate it stops, then starts again when I let go. Dealer said it is normal, I'm not convinced on that one either...
The continued issues are definitely starting to sour the ownership experience. I've been trying to be positive and enjoy the car as much as possible but beginning to struggle... Conversely I got my GT86 out of storage after 9 months or so, and it instantly put a smile on my face, and after charging the battery, has ran flawlessly. It is 9 years old and had zero issues. It is the car that, in my opinion, is the closest driving experience to a Lotus I have seen and having nearly 7/10ths of the driving experience of the Emira at less than a quarter of the cost has me beginning to question whether the Emira is the long term keeper I hoped it would be...