OK. Be honest. Looks or Performance?

Primary reason for Emira desire?

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Emira Maniac
Oct 18, 2021
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Texas, USA
Wondering. What is our primary reason for putting a deposit down or ordering/wanting to order?


Wondering. What is our primary reason for putting a deposit down or ordering/wanting to order?


primary, looks.... performance is important, but I dont expect it to be that quick.... relatively speaking
like my wife, looks great, but not the sharpest knife in the draw.... (im not married)
If you force me to pick between looks and performance — for the Emira it’s absolutely looks. You can get far faster cars for the money in every performance metric.

However, there’s more to sports cars than looks and performance, this ignores how they make you feel. I’m banking my ~$100K on this car being a great driving experience.
Looks drew me in, performance is what held me back from putting my deposit in until a few weeks after I saw it last year.
Wow, 100% looks so far?! I just voted 'performance' to even out the scales. The Emira is gorgeous and what originally caught my attention, but I'm buying one for the performance and joy of driving one! Supercharged mid-engine, 400HP, manual transmission, RWD, with legendary handling/braking.... that's what sold me!

I'm not interested in a garage queen or trophy wife. I want something I can actually have fun with (doesn't hurt that she's nice to look at either though)!
I’m actually glad it’s not too fast. I don’t do track days so it’s not about out and out pace for me. Driving a super powerful car on the public roads can be frustrating rather than enjoyable

Sometimes you can have too much of a good thing. No one’s ever said that to me though 🤨
Performance is relative and as long as the car meets some basic threshold of capability, it merely is something that is checked off for most buyers. Perhaps people would care about performance a bit more for a Lotus, but not much more…

Men have evolved a need to show off to other men, whether it's their physique, wife/husband, or cars. These are the trophies of life. Most of us live rather pedestrian lives so the appearance and sound of a car are near the top in importance for a trophy car.

There is no shortage of cars that can meet my threshold for performance - starting at $30k-40k. But a car that looks as good as the Emira at less than $100k, there is only one - a real trophy.
Performance is relative and as long as the car meets some basic threshold of capability, it merely is something that is checked off for most buyers. Perhaps people would care about performance a bit more for a Lotus, but not much more…

Men have evolved a need to show off to other men, whether it's their physique, wife/husband, or cars. These are the trophies of life. Most of us live rather pedestrian lives so the appearance and sound of a car are near the top in importance for a trophy car.

There is no shortage of cars that can meet my threshold for performance - starting at $30k-40k. But a car that looks as good as the Emira at less than $100k, there is only one - a real trophy.
There is truth to this, but it doesn't apply in my case.

Where I live people don't have money for nice cars, and if they do, it's a 70 year old driving a Vette. I'm not out looking to have a faster car or show off to people. For me, who has been a car guy since being a kid, I have experienced hundreds of cars, many which were amazing specimens. I like the power a car can have, and the ability to control a car very deftly and accurately, while having the ability to accelerate & decelerate incredibly fast. That is what gets my blood pumping. I love the feeling of a jet taking off; that feeling of being pushed into a seat. I don't care about hitting top speeds of 200mph, I just like acceleration & fine tuned control/handling.
There is truth to this, but it doesn't apply in my case.

Where I live people don't have money for nice cars, and if they do, it's a 70 year old driving a Vette. I'm not out looking to have a faster car or show off to people. For me, who has been a car guy since being a kid, I have experienced hundreds of cars, many which were amazing specimens. I like the power a car can have, and the ability to control a car very deftly and accurately, while having the ability to accelerate & decelerate incredibly fast. That is what gets my blood pumping. I love the feeling of a jet taking off; that feeling of being pushed into a seat. I don't care about hitting top speeds of 200mph, I just like acceleration & fine tuned control/handling.
I know what you mean, but aren't there other options if the feeling of precision driving is your top goal? Why specifically the Emira? Genuine question.
I know what you mean, but aren't there other options if the feeling of precision driving is your top goal? Why specifically the Emira? Genuine question.
It is in the price range I am willing to spend (waste) on something I will drive 1-2k miles a year that is a 3rd vehicle. Also, it looks incredible, better than almost all Porsches (opinion). The other big thing, is that my dealer is around 4 hours away, and I can't pop in for service or repairs easily. The reliability of the Toyota V6 makes me feel good that I won't get broke-down somewhere that I cannot get service. There are no good dealers anywhere near me for nice cars unless I go 45 minutes out of the country to Ottawa (Canada), which isn't usually something that can be easily done for warranty repairs, etc.

So, pricing, looks, reliability, and I think the big one is uniqueness. NOBODY will have one around here, and that's kind of a neat feeling. I've looked at used R8's, and 458's, etc, but this just seems like less hassle and it still will be a great car. I've owned cars with anything from 80hp to 670hp. Sometimes I had more fun rowing gears in the 80hp, winding it out, than I did focusing on keeping the twin-turbo V8 on the road, hoping a cop wasn't hiding behind a tree waiting to get me for doing 50mph over...
Looks 👌🏽 Let’s face it if lotus produced something that looks like the emira years ago their would be a lot more “lotus owners “
For me personally this is the only lotus I like none of the other cars they have produced have done anything for me so I’m glad they have made this beauty and I look forward to the fun that is coming 👌🏽🙌
Looks 👌🏽 Let’s face it if lotus produced something that looks like the emira years ago their would be a lot more “lotus owners “
For me personally this is the only lotus I like none of the other cars they have produced have done anything for me so I’m glad they have made this beauty and I look forward to the fun that is coming 👌🏽🙌
I liked the idea of the exige but too raw for the amount I would want to use it. I need something that the wife will not hate as well
Didn’t expect it to be so lonely over here in Performance.

I want lotus driving dynamics in a more usable package. If I wasn’t buying Emira I’d be buying Evora, but I’m willing to trade a little of the rawness for a nicer cabin and some better tech.

The fact it looks so good and is a bit cheaper is all a bonus to me.
I also went with looks because how the car looks was to one thing that sold me. Not because driving dynamics isn't important to me - it's even more important than the looks - but rather because if it wasn't for the looks, you could also get an Evora.
If I had more opportunities to choose from, I wouldn't have chosen "looks", but rather "the overall package". I hope for great handling, good performance, a nice and modern cabin, of course the looks and hopefully a good overall quality.
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For me its the Lotus DNA… very special driving experience. Plus the Lotus Emira looks absolutely gorgeous… its a half-price GT3 in Ferrari / supercar styled package. I absolutely love what Lotus is doing with this car!!!
Looks 👌🏽 Let’s face it if lotus produced something that looks like the emira years ago their would be a lot more “lotus owners “
For me personally this is the only lotus I like none of the other cars they have produced have done anything for me so I’m glad they have made this beauty and I look forward to the fun that is coming 👌🏽🙌
Not even the Esprit that Roger Moore drove under the sea?

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