It's nearly deadline day...

Oct 4, 2021
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So the deadline in the UK for customers wanting a FE V6 is Friday.

I finalised my spec earlier this week and paid the extra £3k, but is anyone still sitting on the fence?

Be interested to know how many of the initial £2k deposits have made it through to round 2. Kind of like a weird car buying version of the Squid Game.
I'm in, couldn't even sit up straight in the demo car at the dealer tour, but I'm still in!
Last I heard (about 3 weeks ago) for UK was about 50-55% going for V6 FE, 40-45% waiting for i4 FE or own spec.

A very low level of cancellations, well under 10%. Also, during the roadshows, for every cancellation they’ve had 2 new deposits.

Even the V6 FE deposits are still refundable so it’s not a true picture of committed orders. But enough deposits globally for two years production is pretty amazing!

…And I’m in, obvs :)
All in for a fire-breathing V6 with a metallic golf ball topped stick - a last ICE blast before my kids are old enough to realise I'm destroying their future planet :oops:

That guilt, it's the result of well run, focus shifting corporate guilt offset program...I can live with it for a few more years but then it's 100% electron juice
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This is a bit academic for me as I’m going i4 anyway, but should I have had the call from Lotus yet to see if I even want to be on the v6 list? Admittedly my deposit was only in September…
So the deadline in the UK for customers wanting a FE V6 is Friday.

I finalised my spec earlier this week and paid the extra £3k, but is anyone still sitting on the fence?

Be interested to know how many of the initial £2k deposits have made it through to round 2. Kind of like a weird car buying version of the Squid Game.
I'm in. Can't afford it. Just going to make it happen.

I've got three kids, that's three kidneys, plus mine and my wife's. I reckon I'll be alright.
Well I’ve still got me slippers in, so probably just “in“ at the mo ;j. But then after a few beers tonight , a few more hours on this forum, I’ll be “in in“ for sure.
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