Factory Tour - 2024


Emira Fiend
Nov 11, 2022
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Kansas City
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Emira Owner
Just thought I'd get others opinions. The next 6 months are really the heaviest work months for me, but a friend and I are looking at the idea of going to Hethel for a factory tour (maybe track day) in April 2024. Looking at their website the factory tours have listed dates for 2023, but nothing official on the calendar for 2024 that you could book.

Any reason to believe that they wouldn't have 2024 dates? I assume they will just post them "soon". Would like to start getting airfare/hotel booked, but would be pretty disappointed to book everything just to find they won't continue with them.
I’d expect them to have tours in 2024 and for dates to be published Oct/Nov.

Lotus Driving Academy doesn’t operate over the winter, so first 2024 dates are likely to be late March or early April. Similar timeframe for dates being published.

If you want to do Classic Team Lotus (heritage tour) too - and it’s well worth it - then the dates don’t always line up with factory tour dates. Perhaps they’ll get them better aligned for next year.
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