Eletre pictures from B&C launch day


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Oct 1, 2022
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Hi everyone, I attended the launch today and enjoyed meeting some Lotus owners (or soon to be) and finally seeing the Emira in person.

I’m not interested in the Electre having recently owned and sold a ‘super SUV’. However, my impressions were:
* Exterior design did not look as good in person (perhaps because I’m not keen on yellow for a car that size). At launch, it looked a bit Urus-like but it’s quite different in person
* Interior is very nice and unique although the cameras instead of mirrors would annoy me
* My 6yr old son loved the rear seats and tech but I hope there is a way of disabling control from the back like can on other SUVs




Moderator edit: post copied from B&C launch thread and edited to include just the Eletre content
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Here are my pictures of the Eletre show car from yesterday:



The wrap-around light and information ticker is neat. Note the small screen in the driver's door feeding from the side camera, instead of a door mirror.


Materials and tech look premium

Close up of the side camera display and KEF speaker

Nice details on the seat back - exposed carbon fibre and a metal embossed Chapman monogram
Here are my pictures of the Eletre show car from yesterday:

View attachment 9349

View attachment 9350

The wrap-around light and information ticker is neat. Note the small screen in the driver's door feeding from the side camera, instead of a door mirror.

View attachment 9351

Materials and tech look premium
View attachment 9352

Close up of the side camera display and KEF speaker
View attachment 9353

Nice details on the seat back - exposed carbon fibre and a metal embossed Chapman monogram
View attachment 9354
I think I read somewhere that only the bench seat five seat configuration will be available in the UK, which is a shame...I liked it in person so much I put a deposit down at Goodwood. Didn't get the honour of sitting in it mind, just the privilege of being allowed on the upper stage to take a full look round. I think it has a great presence and does look a lot like a Urus, even in the flesh (see too many of those around Mayfair).
I think I read somewhere that only the bench seat five seat configuration will be available in the UK, which is a shame...I liked it in person so much I put a deposit down at Goodwood. Didn't get the honour of sitting in it mind, just the privilege of being allowed on the upper stage to take a full look round. I think it has a great presence and does look a lot like a Urus, even in the flesh (see too many of those around Mayfair).
The Lotus chap guarding it said that the 2 or 3 seats rear configuration would be optional, implying here.
I was told that too, two seating options and three power/range options. Probably phased in, rather than all at launch.
Not on the version with 2 rear seats. I believe the 3-seater may fold.
Good to hear. Pointless without folding seats.
I was a signature away from buying an Alfa Guilia QF until I checked I could put a bike in the back. You can't...
Here are my pictures of the Eletre show car from yesterday:

View attachment 9349

View attachment 9350

The wrap-around light and information ticker is neat. Note the small screen in the driver's door feeding from the side camera, instead of a door mirror.

View attachment 9351

Materials and tech look premium
View attachment 9352

Close up of the side camera display and KEF speaker
View attachment 9353

Nice details on the seat back - exposed carbon fibre and a metal embossed Chapman monogram
View attachment 9354
I get it, famed sports/exotic car companies have to chase the revenue so they can continue to build our sports cars. I just don't see the value other than "look at me, I'm the coolest soccer mom" in the parking lot.
I was told that you can only fold the middle sit in a 5-seat Eletre so as to fit a ski board. This is due to both rear seats being power adjusted, which I think is a disappointment.

The design and feel of the Eletre's bucket seats are superb though. I do think they look much better than those in the Emira. Here are some more photo I took of the late stage car here in Shanghai:
Note that on this car it has traditional rear view mirrors.
Great looking vehicle thats for sure. I dig it. I dont ever plan on owning a electric SUV, or an SUV for that matter, but it looks cool.

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