Any UK dealer tour news?


Emira Fan
Aug 2, 2021
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Its all gone rather quiet from the dealers, has anyone been given dates when they will be able to see the cars and get finalised brochures/prices in the Uk? I was provisionally told it would be around the 6th September……. It’s getting rather close so it’s hard to imagine Lotus not knowing by now what their schedule will be.
Its all gone rather quiet from the dealers, has anyone been given dates when they will be able to see the cars and get finalised brochures/prices in the Uk? I was provisionally told it would be around the 6th September……. It’s getting rather close so it’s hard to imagine Lotus not knowing by now what their schedule will be.
Hi Garreth, nothing from my dealer in Hamilton (Scotland) yet and I've been keeping in touch regularly. 6th Sept is less than 2 weeks away and we are still in the holiday season - and people have plenty of other things in their diaries, so we really need to start hearing some dates soon, as not one of us will want to miss our slot at our local dealer.
The start date has been pushed back a couple of weeks, so now mid/late Sept onwards. Plans are being sorted this and next week then details should be provided. Specs and prices will come out at the start of the tour.

I don't know the reasons but can think of multiple factors causing the delay, particularly Lotus trying to work out pricing while there are a lot of changes going on in supply chains across the industry right now plus how they account for higher than expected demand and a possible second production shift.
The start date has been pushed back a couple of weeks, so now mid/late Sept onwards. Plans are being sorted this and next week then details should be provided. Specs and prices will come out at the start of the tour.

I don't know the reasons but can think of multiple factors causing the delay, particularly Lotus trying to work out pricing while there are a lot of changes going on in supply chains across the industry right now plus how they account for higher than expected demand and a possible second production shift.
Thanks Tom, that's really helpful info - do you have an "inside track" of some sort?! 🤣
20+ years of Lotus ownership, a lot of community events and visits to Hethel. I know a few people :)
20+ years of Lotus ownership, a lot of community events and visits to Hethel. I know a few people :)
Well that explains it Tom! I hope you get the kind of VIP treatment that loyalty deserves! (as well as all the juicy info... ;))
The start date has been pushed back a couple of weeks, so now mid/late Sept onwards. Plans are being sorted this and next week then details should be provided. Specs and prices will come out at the start of the tour.

I don't know the reasons but can think of multiple factors causing the delay, particularly Lotus trying to work out pricing while there are a lot of changes going on in supply chains across the industry right now plus how they account for higher than expected demand and a possible second production shift.
This makes so much sense.
I had an email from my dealer yesterday saying the Emira is provionally booked in at their site for 3 days towards the end of September.
This visit will coincide with th elaunch of the price list and order form.
It will be at that stage we will be able to actually place the order, and they will be able to give us an expected delivery date!
A firm date will be coming to me next week.
Will keep you all posted!


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