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Alpine 110R

still think its a very "awkward" design.... the original rally car was cool, very unusual and impossible to copy / modernise.. .well impossible no, just this is not a good job imo.....

a decent light weight car, but terrible sound, poor interior and auto only...... never sold in big numbers...never will
still think its a very "awkward" design.... the original rally car was cool, very unusual and impossible to copy / modernise.. .well impossible no, just this is not a good job imo.....

a decent light weight car, but terrible sound, poor interior and auto only...... never sold in big numbers...never will
I agree with you. It is one ugly car.
I had the same engine in my previous megane rs trophy 300, it was quite characterful although lacking in rpm range. If only they did a manual version of the alpine, I could get past the awkward body..

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