The Lotus File

Something new for Emira deposit holders to enjoy while waiting. William Taylor’s latest officially licensed book brings the Lotus story right up to date. A definitive catalogue of every Lotus, all 256 vehicles including the Evija 130, Emira 131, Emira GT4 131R and Eletre 132. The Lotus File is now available from Coterie Press. Large format hardback: 196 pages, 436 photographs, 105,680 words. Produced with the full co-operation and endorsement of Group Lotus Limited.

Something new for Emira deposit holders to enjoy while waiting. William Taylor’s latest officially licensed book brings the Lotus story right up to date. A definitive catalogue of every Lotus, all 256 vehicles including the Evija 130, Emira 131, Emira GT4 131R and Eletre 132. The Lotus File is now available from Coterie Press. Large format hardback: 196 pages, 436 photographs, 105,680 words. Produced with the full co-operation and endorsement of Group Lotus Limited.

View attachment 7846
Is that Cover in DV!? 😂
Excellent; (y)
Looks like demand has exceeded supply...
How detailed is the Emira story?
Somewhat soon
Soon can mean different things
Well, I was referring to the meaning of the word soon, when used from the special Lotus dictionary. Clearly not a defined time frame. But maybe between 6 months and 2 years.
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