Test drives and final stage of buying process for UK July delivery batch


Staff member
Aug 10, 2021
Reaction score
Emira on order
I've been told a few key things about the situation with test drives and finals (paying balance, sorting finance, finalising trade in, confirming delivery location, pinning down delivery date etc) for people in the July delivery batch.

Up to now many of us have been told test drives are "coming soon" - for the last 2+ months. We've also been told to expect contact 30 days prior to delivery to sort out all the finals stuff. So the question has been, are we getting a test drive before the 30 day contact point and having to pay balance etc?

This is direct from Lotus:
  • All UK July delivery batch people will get the opportunity to test drive before final commitment if that's what they want to do
  • There will be an update to July delivery batch next week about the process
  • July delivery batch people will be contacted during June about finals
I couldn't get clarity on whether test drive availability meant you might have to delay until the dealer had a demo car, but I'm told other options are still being explored.

Dealer demos are due to be delivered in July, so August delivery batch onwards will be able to test drive at dealers before finals/commitment. I believe dealers will be asked to give priority to deposit holders with delivery in the following month.

It sounds promising, but in light of other "soons" that have dragged on and/or never materialised, I'll reserve judgement until this actually happens.
It sounds promising, but in light of other "soons" that have dragged on and/or never materialised, I'll reserve judgement until this actually happens.
Oh c'mon Tom, I know that's what you're telling us, but deep down inside aren't you getting giddy? It's right around the corner.... I'd be ecstatic! :)
The ability to have a test drive in a car before final commitment is where I think a lot of us new to the Brand are in our thinking.
Even a test drive in the very last iteration of a pre prod car will help me understand more about the Emira.
I'm not worried if my July slot gets pushed back to say September delivery if it means I can get a test drive before commitment.
We’re now 9th June for something that is happening in July surely they know details by now of dates and locations that the demo cars be
last minute.com. - unless of course parts still missing still fathing on with seats. Maybe we all rock up at dealers and form a very long orderly queue bigger than at the airports then we can live stream it on here with all our reviews and decisions. Should we form our own Press group 🎥🎥🎥
I've been told a few key things about the situation with test drives and finals (paying balance, sorting finance, finalising trade in, confirming delivery location, pinning down delivery date etc) for people in the July delivery batch.

Up to now many of us have been told test drives are "coming soon" - for the last 2+ months. We've also been told to expect contact 30 days prior to delivery to sort out all the finals stuff. So the question has been, are we getting a test drive before the 30 day contact point and having to pay balance etc?

This is direct from Lotus:
  • All UK July delivery batch people will get the opportunity to test drive before final commitment if that's what they want to do
  • There will be an update to July delivery batch next week about the process
  • July delivery batch people will be contacted during June about finals
I couldn't get clarity on whether test drive availability meant you might have to delay until the dealer had a demo car, but I'm told other options are still being explored.

Dealer demos are due to be delivered in July, so August delivery batch onwards will be able to test drive at dealers before finals/commitment. I believe dealers will be asked to give priority to deposit holders with delivery in the following month.

It sounds promising, but in light of other "soons" that have dragged on and/or never materialised, I'll reserve judgement until this actually happens.
thanks Tom.
it would "seem" the obvious assumption in that is that they are indeed starting production this month and DO expect to deliver cars next month..... but again, you never can tell.
I dont care too much about driving the car before hand personally. My current weekend car has a gear box that you really have to coax, be gentle with, get used to, how ever you want to phrase it and I enjoy that part of the character actually.
The rest for me is all fluff, slight understeer at turn in, this that the other.... I for me dont care, but yes I am curious to see if they make some changes and yes I am interested to see actual figures and will it red line at 7000 with software version 6 etc.... But none of this will stop be getting the best looking car to come out of the UK since.... the DB10..... or 5, which ever floats your boat.
By the way, I wont do it here, but its interesting to compare the Aston Martin New vantage's situation from day one with its nemesis the 911, to the Emira with its, the Cayam... again, from an interest point of view.
I may write more crap about that later.... :)
Oh c'mon Tom, I know that's what you're telling us, but deep down inside aren't you getting giddy? It's right around the corner.... I'd be ecstatic! :)

I’m really looking forward to getting the car. But as everyone knows, the whole buying experience has dampened the excitement for me.

Even the handling of this final month is frustrating - no info, no comms unless I contact Lotus, it’s all “coming soon”, no appreciation that people might have other things going on that we’re trying to plan test drives and car pickup around.

I decided a few months ago that Lotus weren’t going to improve the customer experience, despite telling me three times they would. So I’ve reset my expectations to a very low level. If Lotus actually do something they’ve said they would that’ll be a bonus.

Sad, as it could’ve been so much better. At this point I just want the car and don’t want to have to deal with Lotus pre-sales process any more. I cancelled my Eletre deposit.
I’m really looking forward to getting the car. But as everyone knows, the whole buying experience has dampened the excitement for me.

Even the handling of this final month is frustrating - no info, no comms unless I contact Lotus, it’s all “coming soon”, no appreciation that people might have other things going on that we’re trying to plan test drives and car pickup around.

I decided a few months ago that Lotus weren’t going to improve the customer experience, despite telling me three times they would. So I’ve reset my expectations to a very low level. If Lotus actually do something they’ve said they would that’ll be a bonus.

Sad, as it could’ve been so much better. At this point I just want the car and don’t want to have to deal with Lotus pre-sales process any more. I cancelled my Eletre deposit.
I totally concur the whole process has been very unprofessional at best. And everything they say they don’t match with actions. I just want my car to enjoy and will exit everything to do with Lotus till positive actions are shown in future.
I've been told a few key things about the situation with test drives and finals (paying balance, sorting finance, finalising trade in, confirming delivery location, pinning down delivery date etc) for people in the July delivery batch.

Up to now many of us have been told test drives are "coming soon" - for the last 2+ months. We've also been told to expect contact 30 days prior to delivery to sort out all the finals stuff. So the question has been, are we getting a test drive before the 30 day contact point and having to pay balance etc?

This is direct from Lotus:
  • All UK July delivery batch people will get the opportunity to test drive before final commitment if that's what they want to do
  • There will be an update to July delivery batch next week about the process
  • July delivery batch people will be contacted during June about finals
I couldn't get clarity on whether test drive availability meant you might have to delay until the dealer had a demo car, but I'm told other options are still being explored.

Dealer demos are due to be delivered in July, so August delivery batch onwards will be able to test drive at dealers before finals/commitment. I believe dealers will be asked to give priority to deposit holders with delivery in the following month.

It sounds promising, but in light of other "soons" that have dragged on and/or never materialised, I'll reserve judgement until this actually happens.
Good info thanks Tom, I'm August so let's see how that pans out.
I’m really looking forward to getting the car. But as everyone knows, the whole buying experience has dampened the excitement for me.

Even the handling of this final month is frustrating - no info, no comms unless I contact Lotus, it’s all “coming soon”, no appreciation that people might have other things going on that we’re trying to plan test drives and car pickup around.

I decided a few months ago that Lotus weren’t going to improve the customer experience, despite telling me three times they would. So I’ve reset my expectations to a very low level. If Lotus actually do something they’ve said they would that’ll be a bonus.

Sad, as it could’ve been so much better. At this point I just want the car and don’t want to have to deal with Lotus pre-sales process any more. I cancelled my Eletre deposit.
My sentiments 100%
I totally concur the whole process has been very unprofessional at best. And everything they say they don’t match with actions. I just want my car to enjoy and will exit everything to do with Lotus till positive actions are shown in future.

Reminds me of buying something off kickstarter.

You're never quite sure if the thing will arrive, or when or if it does how long before the company implodes and the thing you bought becomes unsupported.
Another here who doesn't need a test-drive. Never had one on all of my 'emotional' purchases.
I have never thought it won't anything less than stellar. When I then first saw the car, well, I felt like a very lucky man.

it might not fit like a glove the first drive but will surely be amazing after that.
When I placed my Emira deposit I fully expected to have to buy sight unseen and not get a test drive. I’d been through the same process with the Evora launch. I was comfortable I knew enough and had enough contacts to consider that as an acceptable risk.

The difference with Evora was the level of comms from factory and dealer. Also, groups of us were invited to Hethel several times to meet the development team and see prototypes and production. Emira is on a different scale but I’d hoped for better comms than we’ve had.

Part of the problem is Lotus suggesting (since Dec) that we’d get test drives before having to commit. Then not making progress on that and the usual “coming soon” non-updates.

The lack of info plus stuff from leaks and reviews makes me more concerned about the seats (and a few minor things) and so more inclined to get a test drive if it’s offered. I’ll still take the car without a test drive and keep my fingers crossed.

This whole process could have been handled so much better. I’m trying not to let it seriously spoil my enjoyment of the car. It would be great to have a growing sense of excitement at this stage. But frankly I’m just trying not to get even more annoyed by the terrible customer care and am holding on to get my car.

After that it’ll be great and hopefully I’ll have no further need to deal with Lotus HQ or the direct sales channel.
When I placed my Emira deposit I fully expected to have to buy sight unseen and not get a test drive. I’d been through the same process with the Evora launch. I was comfortable I knew enough and had enough contacts to consider that as an acceptable risk.

The difference with Evora was the level of comms from factory and dealer. Also, groups of us were invited to Hethel several times to meet the development team and see prototypes and production. Emira is on a different scale but I’d hoped for better comms than we’ve had.

Part of the problem is Lotus suggesting (since Dec) that we’d get test drives before having to commit. Then not making progress on that and the usual “coming soon” non-updates.

The lack of info plus stuff from leaks and reviews makes me more concerned about the seats (and a few minor things) and so more inclined to get a test drive if it’s offered. I’ll still take the car without a test drive and keep my fingers crossed.

This whole process could have been handled so much better. I’m trying not to let it seriously spoil my enjoyment of the car. It would be great to have a growing sense of excitement at this stage. But frankly I’m just trying not to get even more annoyed by the terrible customer care and am holding on to get my car.

After that it’ll be great and hopefully I’ll have no further need to deal with Lotus HQ or the direct sales channel.

Tom, I know you're a customer like the rest of us and the process has been less than perfect, but you have to remember that as a leader in the community many people are looking up to you and with a stroke of a pen you can cause sour taste and in turn cancellations.

I'm not saying you shouldn't post your feelings online, you absolutely should, but you're not at a point yet where you're picking up your car sight unseen. It's frustrating and infuriating at times, I share your frustration, there are many of us who's feelings ebb and flow.... but again, until we come to a hard deadline, not soft promises, it may be premature to unload publicly. For all you know Lotus may pick up the phone and call you tomorrow with the offer, but the damage will already have been done - even if you update your post with new information, there's no guarantee people who've read the first post will read the next one.

Just my thoughts however. You're not employed by Lotus, you're entitled to your feelings and you're entitled to venting however you like.... but my urge is to step away, take a breath and let's see what happens. You shouldn't have to be in that position, none of us should be, but at least temper the message until we have more facts.
Tom, I know you're a customer like the rest of us and the process has been less than perfect, but you have to remember that as a leader in the community many people are looking up to you and with a stroke of a pen you can cause sour taste and in turn cancellations.

I'm not saying you shouldn't post your feelings online, you absolutely should, but you're not at a point yet where you're picking up your car sight unseen. It's frustrating and infuriating at times, I share your frustration, there are many of us who's feelings ebb and flow.... but again, until we come to a hard deadline, not soft promises, it may be premature to unload publicly. For all you know Lotus may pick up the phone and call you tomorrow with the offer, but the damage will already have been done - even if you update your post with new information, there's no guarantee people who've read the first post will read the next one.

Just my thoughts however. You're not employed by Lotus, you're entitled to your feelings and you're entitled to venting however you like.... but my urge is to step away, take a breath and let's see what happens. You shouldn't have to be in that position, none of us should be, but at least temper the message until we have more facts.
I'm obviously not shy in coming forward, as a disappointed new Lotus customer
If I was a long-standing Lotus customer I would probably be distraught and livid in equal measure.
I think Tom has managed his expectations and decorum on this forum better than any. At this point seeing a little emotion regarding where we are at after a full year of false promises, isnt really to be unexpected lol.
Respect to you Tom for being a Lotus ambassador of the highest order, but not at the expense of being blinkered to their shortcomings.
I honestly hand on heart hope this new car manages to meet existing Lotus owners expectations as well as appeal to the wider market.
Now wheres my test drive ;)
I feel the same as Tom, very disappointed with the whole buying journey. I did realise that the customer experience was going to be dreadful when I met one of the Lotus senior team at the launch last November at Manchester Airport. I decided then that I wanted the car and would have to put up with a very poor experience and Lotus have certainly delivered in this respect.
It is a shame that Lotus has not made any effort to improve despite the shortcomings being very well documented on here and also discussed with them directly by Tom and others.
Lotus is a small company with lofty ambitions trying to punch well above their own weight and they seem to have badly misjudged the skills and effort needed to change from a traditional auto manufacturer to a direct to customer sales model.
I am still fully on board with buying the Emira and I am not really interested in the reviews. If the radio works properly and stays tuned in to Radio 2 for more than 5 minutes (unlike my Evora 410 Sport) I will be quite happy!
This is a place where all of us can vent off. We are, almost by definition, top-tier car enthusiasts.

Tom has seen the 'other' side of Lotus is much more frustrated than me.

In fact, I am only a little bit frustrated in that I would have loved the car in the Spring.

However, I epitomise that 'new to Lotus' consumer who is just uber excited to even be getting the car. Lotus was not even on my radar before the Emira was announced. I had all but forgotten about Lotus.

Now, I am that slightly blinkered, over-excited, optimistic fanboy but I can still appreciate the feelings of others.

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