Rear cabin storage weight limit


Emira Fan
Mar 3, 2022
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Don't know if its been posted elsewhere, but just saw this vid...and apparently the rear shelf behind the seats can only take 20Kg :oops:. btw...the dark verdant and tan look awesome here.

Don't know if its been posted elsewhere, but just saw this vid...and apparently the rear shelf behind the seats can only take 20Kg :oops:. btw...the dark verdant and tan look awesome here.

I hadn't realised that and it's quite restrictive if you wanted to have two flight cases back there. I've just found it in the handbook:

Rear cabin weight limit (handbook p 132).JPG
When you travel, how much does your overhead case weigh (yours, not your girls)
as I only use carry on, it can easilly get to 15 kilos, yes above the 10 kilo limit, but they generally dont weigh it.
Ive been a few times around the world and only ever take carry on... the last thing you want is to have your case lost and trying to catch up with you....
it is a problem that should not even exist... no side stepping it.... if they want to save weight, the floor of a cargo area is NOT a place to do it. Paper mache the inner sides of the trunk if you like, but not the damn floor designed for storage........
Every day, every week there is something .......who signed off on this design..... Chapman's dead, so his weight saving philosophy at the cost of safety it has to be said, is long gone! Now its been replaced by the cost of quality.
Ive got two g/f's, where the hell is the second one going to sit now? ohhh, on the other ones lap....silly me
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Really not very practical, particularly as heat in the very small boot area will limit what can be carried there.
It must be from a H&S perspective surely with objects flying fwds under heavy breaking?
Cant be a structural thing surely 🤔
and what if I want some sexy time back there with the Mrs? haha...shes slim but not that slim
It must be from a H&S perspective surely with objects flying fwds under heavy braking?
Cant be a structural thing surely 🤔
you would have to assume... to have an effective chasm of such low support just behind the seats would be a bit of a worry...! Sorry if missed anywhere else, but if there is such a tight limit on luggage weight there, was there one set for the seats/passengers...?
It must be from a H&S perspective surely with objects flying fwds under heavy braking?
Cant be a structural thing surely 🤔

in the opinion of the person doing the video he says the floor isn't of substance and it bends.
in the opinion of the person doing the video he says the floor isn't of substance and it bends.
probably a thin light grade aluminium .... saving potentially 3/4 of a kilo at best.... it all helps, but this is plain stupid
20kgs per side, probably relates to retaining net.
I'm assuming that the storage structure is consistent with the hi-tech product used to store the springs in the Harry meets Emira production video?
probably a thin light grade aluminium .... saving potentially 3/4 of a kilo at best.... it all helps, but this is plain stupid

It may not be just for weight savings though, it may be for chassis flex dynamics right?
It may not be just for weight savings though, it may be for chassis flex dynamics right?
ive no think with the solid engine right behind there and solid floor right in front.... cant see how that area needs to flex, but I could be wrong. Seeing how lotus have been so far, I would not give them much benefit of the doubt :)
20kgs per side, probably relates to retaining net.
I assume that's what it means as well, but it doesn't SAY that. It says 20kg limit. Which is shocking for a storage area designed to carry luggage.

Two pieces of carry-on luggage are easily over that. A trip to a US grocery store can be easily over that, i.e. two cases of canned drinks for a party.
I am not going to read the comments as i have work to do and crap and have no time to, but here is the answer:
20 kg is the strength of the net in a crash.
just get a stronger net. The car will be $100k when all is said and done at least. Get someone to make you as nicer net.

20k dispersed along a certain assumed surface area when you get into a forward collision. 20kg is actually a lot of weight on a soft structure at that speed. Just get a stronger net or two nets together and a strong anchor point, or stronger if that is the weak spot. buy two nets would be easiest answer, or 3. for big trips. assuming the anchor points could hand a lot of weight on load
For reference, the load limits in the boots of an Alpine are 40kg in the front and 40kg in the rear... so 20kg is quite low...

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