New "concept" Mini.... pretty cool


Emira Addict
Apr 18, 2022
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Here is the concept.... but will potentially be close to reality.
I think the mini has become quite boring over the years and lost its identity and fun, its too big now also. I could say the same things relating to a 911, BUT, this new concept I think it very cool.
I think electrification gives car companies a whole new lease of life. The new renault 5 looks amazing in my eyes and this mini is getting close to it:

I hope the electric lotus sports car will be innovative and a huge leap forward in design..
Far too big. Makes a mockery of the original “mini” concept. Although in EV form this seems to make more sense…
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Far too big. Makes a mockery of the original “mini” concept. Although in EV form this seems to make more sense…
its smaller than the current mini. You have to not think about "mini" and now just think about a nice looking car which is very cool inside. It hasnt been a mini for years and never will be.. its just a name...
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