Lotus Emira US Pricing coming October 1st!


According to an email from Lotus of Naples, Lotus will be releasing pricing information for the USA on October 1st, 2021!
I assume it'll be like the UK, so i4 Base Edition headline price and V6 First Edition headline and options prices. I don't expect i4 FE or Base V6 prices yet.
I'm going to bet ANYONE that the USA First Edition will cost EXACTLY $83,750 USD to the penny !!

(leaky, leaky, the faucet is leaky.)
I'm going to bet ANYONE that the USA First Edition will cost EXACTLY $83,750 USD to the penny !!

(leaky, leaky, the faucet is leaky.)
I think you are right, as I inquired with Lotus via email and their response was "We are still awaiting confirmation for pricing but will commence from US$83,000, however in the next couple of weeks the configuration tool for the Emira will be fully available."
I'm going to bet ANYONE that the USA First Edition will cost EXACTLY $83,750 USD to the penny !!

(leaky, leaky, the faucet is leaky.)
For V6 FE? Upon what do you base that opinion? And if accurate, what do you project the I4 base model to list for? Seems to me that once you know the relative cost of the V6 FE in dollars compared to pounds and account for the government meddling parts (VAT vs. TTL) and transport/delivery, you should be able to figure out the price of each version.
"pricing but will commence from US$83,000" - so it may, but that will be for base model not V6 FE I suspect
"pricing but will commence from US$83,000" - so it may, but that will be for base model not V6 FE I suspect
Hard to say. I placed an early deposit and am currently #4 at my dealership. Got the email from Lotus a few weeks back which stated that my order was confirmed and to be ready to complete my order "in the fall' so I assume the $83k they stated is the FE V6 pricing given that the only option available at that time? For what it's worth, they also told me to expect delivery within 12 weeks of placing my order. That was encouraging, as I'd sure like to have it in the driveway as early as possible next Spring!
I have NO other (leaky leaky ) info except First Edition USA is $83,750 USD

The faucet leaked out by human error and I was able to get this before the leak was fixed.

Sorry. That’s all I have
I don’t get into price guessing on forums, but back in July my Lotus dealer had given guidance that V6 FE will be around mid $80s USD. Perhaps that will hold true. We shall officially find out soon enough.

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