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Interior lighting on the dash


Emira Fanatic
Feb 21, 2022
Reaction score
Interior lighting on the dash, the topearla video shows the dashboard has illuminated strip. When the last guy was talking about the usability of the Emira the dashboard looks like it has an illuminated strip running the length of the dashboard..
There will be no lighting. It’s just a reflection from the sun. You can see it in the area close to the touchscreen.
Nope, as I said it was just sunlight. Definitely no light there, as seen on every official pic on the Lotus website.
I don't think it's the sun, nor do I think it's a dash light, I think they have a light source in the cabin for filming as it was semi dusk outside during the shoot, there are some shots where the back of the guys arm is super bright as if light is coming from the back seat... and when the camera is inside the car, the "light" is gone. Buildings around it all have exterior lighting on too.
good point on the interior lights.... makes me re-think my stance... still seems like an odd ambient lighting feature to me though
Looks like the cupholder LED lights come on with the cabin light also (second photo), but are off otherwise. Maybe just another "feature" of the VP car. It's also possible the ambient lighting can be adjusted via car settings on touch screen.

#ForThe Ambiance :D (I couldn't resist joining the hashtag party)
In the second photo the roof light and cup holder lights are also on. He probably just closed the door and there’s likely a timer before the ambient lighting dims.
You clearly see that the touchscreen is throwing a shadow there. Definitely sun light or another light source from the back.

Fair enough…. No LED light in this stock photo, even with the interior lights on.
I just watched it again closely and can confirm there is LED lighting in the dash. It coordinates with the rest of the interior lights being on or off, and when he moves around and blocks some of the rear lighting they have on, it doesn't have any affect on the dash.
I just watched it again closely and can confirm there is LED lighting in the dash. It coordinates with the rest of the interior lights being on or off, and when he moves around and blocks some of the rear lighting they have on, it doesn't have any affect on the dash.
+cup holders

Don’t worry we will get a great cell phone video on Facebook to show the final spec from some stranger.

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