In USA, is anyone paying above MSRP?


Emira Fanatic
Jan 6, 2022
Reaction score
I've interacted with two dealerships and my order is with Gator where they've added a delivery charge, but otherwise it looks like MSRP. I was just wondering if this is common or if many dealers are sticking it to their customers by adding markups or "market adjustments?"
As you’d expect, some are some aren’t, better off having a poll.
I've seen some posters mention additional dealer mark up, but until the cars start hitting the states who knows what will stick or be added on at time delivery
I hope to elicit more details than a poll would.
Interested in hearing about this, but would be surprised if a Forum member would be so candid. The idea of ADM was deemed reprehensible and surely would bring scorn upon the dealer (brand image) and depositor.
Depends on how badly something is wanted or if 'stupid money' is involved. There was a bit of distress at the FE2 price increase. ADM would add insult to injury.
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It depends on the dealer. Some dealers are adding ADM, some are not.

It's up to the individual what they want to do, and I understand car dealers are in it to make money. As long as the transaction is free and voluntary, I don't see anything wrong with it.
When I asked the Dallas TX dealer about it they insisted and promised they would never do that then gave a long speech about doing the right thing so they gain trust with their customers, so hopefully I wont be
Charlotte. No markup or dealer “fees”. FE 2.0
When I asked the Dallas TX dealer about it they insisted and promised they would never do that then gave a long speech about doing the right thing so they gain trust with their customers, so hopefully I wont be
Dallas dealership is definitely not adding any additional charges on FE.1 or .2 other than the increased price for FE2
FE1 MSRP is in the contract.
No markup and wouldn't pay that for a non existent car either. Scummy dealers taking advantage of the fools with money if they are charging ADM. The Covid Car era is slowly slipping away.
Galpin said 20k to me, but final amount would depend on market at time of delivery (which they recently told me is somewhere May-July). With all this waiting and markup uncertainty, I might just jump off and get a 718 Spyder. Ugh.
Galpin said 20k to me, but final amount would depend on market at time of delivery (which they recently told me is somewhere May-July). With all this waiting and markup uncertainty, I might just jump off and get a 718 Spyder. Ugh.
Seriously? Only if that pertains to a deposit against an eventual allocated build slot, at which time your submitted order will have paperwork identifying the MSRP..
Will they then put in writing the initial deposit against the MSRP as submitted AND the additiona ADM?
Or once the car arrives the bill of sale will note the deposit costs?
Seems cumbersome as well as expensive.
While you wait the dealer has both your initial deposit and the ADM.
Hope everything works out.
I’m aware of one US dealer (Galpin) telling several customers they are charging ADM on V6 FE 1.0 cars, and if people don’t want to pay that then they can go into the V6 FE 2.0 or Base batch and pay MSRP.

Several other dealers have committed in writing to sell at MSRP, plus standard dealer fees and taxes and delivery charge.

Some dealers haven’t said either way but have taken deposits as being money towards the “sellling price”. Deposit contract wording varies.
I’m aware of one US dealer (Galpin) telling several customers they are charging ADM on V6 FE 1.0 cars, and if people don’t want to pay that then they can go into the V6 FE 2.0 or Base batch and pay MSRP.

Several other dealers have committed in writing to sell at MSRP, plus standard dealer fees and taxes and delivery charge.

Some dealers haven’t said either way but have taken deposits as being money towards the “sellling price”. Deposit contract wording varies.
Boardwalk at MSRP
I've interacted with two dealerships and my order is with Gator where they've added a delivery charge, but otherwise it looks like MSRP. I was just wondering if this is common or if many dealers are sticking it to their customers by adding markups or "market adjustments?"
Do you mean the destination charge? which is charged by the manufacturer. I am also at Gator @ MSRP and their customer service is so much above my 'local' dealer based on my interactions. I know the dealer in WA is also doing MSRP

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