I had an Emira dream last night...


Emira Maniac
Dec 17, 2021
Reaction score
Ogdensburg NY
So, I've not seen the car in person yet, but read these forums waaay too much. Anyway, I had a dream last night that I was getting to do a test drive, and it was at a race track with lots of professional drivers out in various car. I don't remember a whole lot, except I was having trouble fitting my feet in the pedal box, and was thinking the whole car felt very claustrophobic and tight! I finally got the car rolling and I was revving it out, and it went beyond 7k RPM! (You KNOW I was dreaming) and then I had trouble and came to a complete stop. I saw a Mercedes AMG of sorts in my rearview and he was doing 120+mph and I was right in his path. I braced for the inevitable crash, and then, like magic, he was completely stopped and I was able to get the car off the side of the road. The other drivers were yelling at me and it was more like a nightmare than a dream.

Not a great thing to wake up from! I did have a dream very early this year which had the opposite experience, and the car was an extension of my body and felt amazing to drive. Looking forward to a test-drive in a snowstorm when Lotus finally gets a demo car to my dealer, probably late December...

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