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How did we miss these Nimbus pics?


Active member
Oct 22, 2021
Reaction score
Norfolk, UK
I would say good chance that's Nimbus as it appears more silver under indoor lighting
Pretty sure this is the verification car for the interior
You can see the Porsche seat leather bolster
Pretty sure this is the verification car for the interior
Correct. This is commonly known and everybody knew this was not numbus back then.

BUT... time has moved forward and Nimbus seems to be turning more silver by the day and, well, it could turn out that this was Numbus all along!

I still think it is just a test colour -otherwise it would have surely have been referred to but nice to think they hoodwinked us all along :)
Beauty and glad I’ve chosen this colour
Oooo is this deffo nimbus as I’m struggling between Red, shadow grey and nimbus. I was concerned it would be too champagne but I like that colour here and the red I am concerned if it has a hint of burgundy.
Dear Emira family. I suspect these images of the styling bucks are not Nimbus Grey as Russell Carr states in Harry’s video at 31:08 that he ‘hasn’t yet seen a car in Nimbus Grey’.

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That's not Nimbus in the earlier pictures in the design studio. It's too silver. Nimbus has some secondary subtle tones of cream and light brown. It's not quite champagne and it's not quite the Storm Titanium previously available on Elise/Evora. It has a metallic liquid grain to it, like when you stir a tin of silver paint that's separated into component parts.

I think the configurator is a decent representation of it. The picture Nick posted of McLaren Blade Silver is close too:

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