General Age of Prospective Emira Owners

How old are you?

  • 20 - 30 years old

  • 30 - 40 years old

  • 40 - 50 years old

  • 60 - 70 years old

  • 70+ years old

  • 50 - 60 years old

Results are only viewable after voting.


Well-known member
Oct 17, 2021
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
Emira Status
Emira on order
After reviewing comments over the last several months, I have noticed that we have a very mature group of individuals participating in these forums. Many of which share a great deal of wisdom, amazing incite, a wealth of technical details, good sense of humor, and great prospective on sports cars (and life).

The car is stunning and would catch the eye of any age group. Some think the price is a bargain, others feel it's too steep.

So it got me thinking... What is the average age of those who have placed a deposit on the Emira?

So, I figured what better way to find out... a poll!
I'm in the group you don't have 50-60 - I'm 52.

I'd edit it to say 20-35 35-45 45-55 55-65 over 70
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I'm in the age group that doesn't appear to exist! Thankfully I am not member of society's fastest growing group, the "Willfully offended"! :ROFLMAO:
My apologies... It appears that I am an ageist!
  • Haha
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I'm in the group you don't have 50-60 - I'm 52.

I'd edit it to say 20-35 35-45 45-55 55-65 over 70
Unfortunately, it will not let me change it... But, if it is any consolation, I was able to add the 50-60 range!
Good idea! Needs a couple of other options:
  • Young at heart
  • Mid life crisis
These are not mutually exclusive with the other options!

"Desperately seeking to attract the opposite sex" would be another one Tom! There is another much less PC way of putting that involving a magnet but i am not that much of a dinosaur and the term is not applicable to all genders (including the "Gender Fluid"...) hence my modified version of the old term!
I'm technically in 2 groups as i'm 50
I'm in the group you don't have 50-60 - I'm 52.

I'd edit it to say 20-35 35-45 45-55 55-65 over 70
I'm technically in 2 groups at 50.

It should say
Glad to see I'm far from alone in being the grumpier side of 50! I jacked work at the end of December and the Emira is a 'change of direction' present to myself. Can't quite bring myself to use the word retired as that really does sound old :)
Glad to see I'm far from alone in being the grumpier side of 50! I jacked work at the end of December and the Emira is a 'change of direction' present to myself. Can't quite bring myself to use the word retired as that really does sound old :)
My dad used to say he chose not to work rather than retired.
Glad to see I'm far from alone in being the grumpier side of 50! I jacked work at the end of December and the Emira is a 'change of direction' present to myself. Can't quite bring myself to use the word retired as that really does sound old :)
My view is we've earned the right to be grumpy and i'm going to enjoy it
I'm 30 and sadly I kinda feel the urge to buy these kind of cars while they still exist, so I have to make some kind of compromise in other hobbies to be able to afford them. I'm still very fortunate tu be able to afford such a car at all tough.

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