First Drive in a UK Full Production Car | Have Lotus now got it right?


Emira Fiend
Jan 7, 2022
Reaction score
Surrey, United Kingdom
I found myself in the fortunate position of being invited to Hethel to spend a full day being the first person, outside of Lotus staff, to drive a fully finished production car in the UK.

The focus was on the car itself, not issues. I wanted to focus on how the car made me feel. Did it deliver the experience that I was seeking?
Was it indeed the car I believe it was to tick my boxes as a brand new, fit for a purpose, sports car I can drive all day, every day.

Well, the video is below. I make no apologies for me being my usual loud and over-enthusiastic, severe ADHD suffering, passionately mad car enthusiast.

Feel free to ask any specific questions.. We have all seen the car in minute detail so I concentrated on the drive itself but I did fiddle with everything, played with the KEF stereo for 5 minutes and went completely over the car - the car that we will all be getting in the UK.

I will will also post up my other video made on the same day which, amazingly, is the very first time all 6 colours are together and it is VERY interesting and illuminating.

Enjoy! Please support my channel with a sub, a like and, most importantly, comment and let everyone else know what you think about the Emira.
My first question is..... on a scale of 1-10, how honest do you feel you could have been in this position, ie under Lotus's guidance / control / in their debt?
Im simply imagining if I did the same thing, which I would very much like to haha.... it would be logical that I could not be 100% honest with every aspect..... Is this remotely true?

Its not a criticism in any way shape or form, just trying to get a basis for how close this video will be to when you get your own car and can tell the whole story...... worts and all
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My first question is..... on a scale of 1-10, how honest do you feel you could have been in this position, ie under Lotus's guidance / control / in their debt?
Absolutely fair question.

No, Lotus never mentioned anything about content. Just made me wait a week to coincide with some news.

I was genuinely blown away by it. I think a lot of that was my normal enthusiasm for things plus the wait, frustrations and people worrying about the little things all adding up.

It seriously had no flaws. It will be 100hp less than my other 3 cars (!) and I can tell you that this might well be the best of the lot.

It lacks the drama of the AMG and lacks the performance of the Ferrari BUT as a package, wow, Lotus have got it spot on for me.

I concede that I am fortunate with my cars to look at the Emira in perhaps a different light to many. If it was to be my only car though, and had no kids, I would still love it.
If I wanted something more raw and playful then I would get an Exige, etc.

I did get a coffee but I didn;t even get the cap and I am still only a January delivery!! :D
Absolutely fair question.

No, Lotus never mentioned anything about content. Just made me wait a week to coincide with some news.

I was genuinely blown away by it. I think a lot of that was my normal enthusiasm for things plus the wait, frustrations and people worrying about the little things all adding up.

It seriously had no flaws. It will be 100hp less than my other 3 cars (!) and I can tell you that this might well be the best of the lot.

It lacks the drama of the AMG and lacks the performance of the Ferrari BUT as a package, wow, Lotus have got it spot on for me.

I concede that I am fortunate with my cars to look at the Emira in perhaps a different light to many. If it was to be my only car though, and had no kids, I would still love it.
If I wanted something more raw and playful then I would get an Exige, etc.

I did get a coffee but I didn;t even get the cap and I am still only a January delivery!! :D
thanks, yes we can all see the enthusiasm haha... better than my dry lacklustre wit of course :).
I agree with most of what you said after having driven the car and I am glad you found the sports suspension not too firm at all, and I too think harry made the wrong call, but well, it maybe even got him his car quicker making the change to touring. hah
the only thing I would question though, enthusiasm and all.....
"quality of the Bentley ... " .....
I now want to see the inside of your Bentley ! ;)
thanks for the effort and time..... and I hope you get it in January at the latest!!
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I did a piece on the KEF and thought it just wasn;t worthy given the microphone on GoPro cameras.

However, I still have it and wish to share it so bear with me. I will get it out and post it today hopefully.

Bottom line... It was 'fine' for the job but lacked big power. I thought the volume button only went half way :D
I found myself in the fortunate position of being invited to Hethel to spend a full day being the first person, outside of Lotus staff, to drive a fully finished production car in the UK.

The focus was on the car itself, not issues. I wanted to focus on how the car made me feel. Did it deliver the experience that I was seeking?
Was it indeed the car I believe it was to tick my boxes as a brand new, fit for a purpose, sports car I can drive all day, every day.

Well, the video is below. I make no apologies for me being my usual loud and over-enthusiastic, severe ADHD suffering, passionately mad car enthusiast.

Feel free to ask any specific questions.. We have all seen the car in minute detail so I concentrated on the drive itself but I did fiddle with everything, played with the KEF stereo for 5 minutes and went completely over the car - the car that we will all be getting in the UK.

I will will also post up my other video made on the same day which, amazingly, is the very first time all 6 colours are together and it is VERY interesting and illuminating.

Enjoy! Please support my channel with a sub, a like and, most importantly, comment and let everyone else know what you think about the Emira.
Loved the video and the enthusiasm, which matched my own from a drive. It is quite satisfying and exhilarating. Be warned, though `worth the wait ` that period will now seem interminable.
This will bring joy.
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January now kinds suits me as it happens.
Though if Lotus called and said a space was available next week then how could one say no.

Cars were going out! UK cars too as we know. Lotus have good knowledge now on parts delivery and schedules so I am now 100% (cough) confident that January will be my date.
I found myself in the fortunate position of being invited to Hethel to spend a full day being the first person, outside of Lotus staff, to drive a fully finished production car in the UK.

The focus was on the car itself, not issues. I wanted to focus on how the car made me feel. Did it deliver the experience that I was seeking?
Was it indeed the car I believe it was to tick my boxes as a brand new, fit for a purpose, sports car I can drive all day, every day.

Well, the video is below. I make no apologies for me being my usual loud and over-enthusiastic, severe ADHD suffering, passionately mad car enthusiast.

Feel free to ask any specific questions.. We have all seen the car in minute detail so I concentrated on the drive itself but I did fiddle with everything, played with the KEF stereo for 5 minutes and went completely over the car - the car that we will all be getting in the UK.

I will will also post up my other video made on the same day which, amazingly, is the very first time all 6 colours are together and it is VERY interesting and illuminating.

Enjoy! Please support my channel with a sub, a like and, most importantly, comment and let everyone else know what you think about the Emira.
Thanks Ade...up to your usual scale of enthusiasm I see, if not a little beyond the norm. It is refreshing to see such a review, of a full production spec car on typical UK roads, and without putting it in a group test among cars all costing 4 times as much. I think you are right in so many ways. We all just need to try and see if it is what we are looking for. For me, no matter all your comments on the suspension I only need to look at the persistent shake on the camera to know that touring is likely the right spec for me and my non/little track day expectation for the car (coupled with the fact it is going to be in my wife's name and she would like to drive it). I would love to do the back to back on these, but think I am currently in the right spec. Looking forward to your updates. Two quick questions if I may

Did you find the noise issue with the gearbox that several on here have said was a carry over of the exige evora issues in low gears and revs?
And did you get to top out the rev range, and if so did you find it just a little lacking at that top end as others have reported (or were you restricted as at only 500 miles the car was still going through engine run in period)?

Many thanks again.
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I only need to look at the persistent shake on the camera to know that touring is likely the right spec for me
Ha, that was poor Scott who has to hold it as I had left my suction cradle in the Ferrari at home! :D
It was actually VERY good indeed but I suspect, for normal use, they are pretty close anyway.
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Did you find the noise issue with the gearbox that several on here have said was a carry over of the exige evora issues in low gears and revs?
No, Not in the slightest. This could be because Lotus have made improvements in the box as they do take it apart. It is possible I tuned it out as I am 80% deaf in my left ear, seriously. :rolleyes:
I was super happy with the box. Second nature. I had about 2 hours in total and it was excellent.
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And did you get to top out the rev range, and if so did you find it just a little lacking at that top end as others have reported (or were you restricted as at only 500 miles the car was still going through engine run in period)?
I was given carte blanche to rag it.
I hit the limiter 2 or 3 times so I guess that infers that I thought it was more though it could be because I was just enjoying the noise over 6000 RPM!

7500 RPM would , of course, be nicer but, as I keep mentioning, the overall package is so good that any one component of the drive is a real non-issue. It would never spoil my enjoyment of the car.
I really enjoyed watching this. Your enthusiasm and excitement was clearly genuine, and so good to see. You mentioned the way the seat supported you, but how comfortable was it to sit on? Would it be reasonably comfortable on a long trip?
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but how comfortable was it to sit on? Would it be reasonably comfortable on a long trip?
Very comfy. It might be too comfy for some who actually prefer hard seats, such as the carbon ones on the Caymans.

For me, they were excellent and absolutely a non-issue for long trips.
There is less side bolstering than one would expect so this is definitely erring on the side of comfort.

The alcantara felt like it stopped any sliding. I am not sure if leather will actually be less controlling.
Certainly, I did some hard cornering, acceleration and bends and I never came across a support issue but , then again, I was enjoying myself!
Thanks @Evotion, you lucky guy! I've not seen much of your other stuff (I promise to have a look😉), but I find the telling is in the reactions as opposed to the words... And your reaction was great to see!
thanks for the videos, infectious enthusiasm...! Off for "taste of Lotus" drive day this weekend, so looking forward to weighing up if I get the excitement levels as well...sitting in stationary ones at Goodwood only tells you so much after all! Cheers Ade
Very comfy. It might be too comfy for some who actually prefer hard seats, such as the carbon ones on the Caymans.

For me, they were excellent and absolutely a non-issue for long trips.
There is less side bolstering than one would expect so this is definitely erring on the side of comfort.

The alcantara felt like it stopped any sliding. I am not sure if leather will actually be less controlling.
Certainly, I did some hard cornering, acceleration and bends and I never came across a support issue but , then again, I was enjoying myself!
Great vid, thanks! May I ask how tall you are and where you had the seat set within its range of height adjustment as it looks like you are sitting quite high in the car?