Emira = Modern F355


Emira Fiend
Jul 15, 2021
Reaction score

Just watched this and it occurred to me that the Emira V6 manual is very similar to the F355 spec….
A few decades late, but here finally with new tech…

Just watched this and it occurred to me that the Emira V6 manual is very similar to the F355 spec….
A few decades late, but here finally with new tech…
I used to love the F355 convertible arcade game, spent many a 20p playing that game. I liked the F355 just had an issue with the roof down where you put the tonneau cover on it looked horrible in my eyes.
I’ve said it on this forum before, but I feel like the Emira is a love letter to supercars of this era in the same way the Miata was conceived as a love letter to 60s/70s British roadsters (and the Elan specifically).

Right down to the simple shapes in the cabin, the poster-worthy good looks and the super notchy shifter.

Sure, the Emira doesn’t have the red line or the noise of these cars, but times and regulations change. The rest mostly checks out.

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