Emira art


Emira Maniac
Jul 19, 2021
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Hi, you may (or most likely may not!) remember me mentioning I will be creating some paintings of the Emira.

The below is the source image for my first painting - after playing about with the configurator and creating my own deliberately simple and stylised background this is what I'll be painting, the canvas will be 30" x 20" although I may switch to a larger square format and go for 36" x 36".

This will have a 1" x 1" pencil grid applied to assist with proportion and scaling before being hand-drawn onto the canvas, then the real fun starts! If you are interested I can post progress shots in this thread so you can follow the painting's evolution.

Emira - Hethel Yellow - for painting rev A.png
Absolutely interested in seeing it in progress! Suggestion... make the calipers red? The rear wheel looks odd the way the yellow reflects off the wheel. The red would also compliment the tail lights.
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  • #6
Absolutely interested in seeing it in progress! Suggestion... make the calipers red? The rear wheel looks odd the way the yellow reflects off the wheel. The red would also compliment the tail lights.
Thanks - I was planning on quietening down the yellow reflections as they are definitely far too pronounced (one of the few flaws in the fab new configurator!). I might even switch the calipers to black or silver but I think the red ones may create a slightly unwanted distraction in this pared back composition.

It's all part of the process!
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  • #7
Looking good! Following...
Thanks, I'll be aiming for a very accurate reproduction of this but with a sharpness and clarity that you wouldn't get with a photographic enlargement of this scale.

Time will tell if I achieve it!
Superb. Will definitely look forward to seeing how this takes shape...

...and it is Hethel Yellow too! (y)
Hi, you may (or most likely may not!) remember me mentioning I will be creating some paintings of the Emira.

The below is the source image for my first painting - after playing about with the configurator and creating my own deliberately simple and stylised background this is what I'll be painting, the canvas will be 30" x 20" although I may switch to a larger square format and go for 36" x 36".

This will have a 1" x 1" pencil grid applied to assist with proportion and scaling before being hand-drawn onto the canvas, then the real fun starts! If you are interested I can post progress shots in this thread so you can follow the painting's evolution.

View attachment 3286
Hi...also going to be producing some art using the first edition colours...be on my insta in a few days
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  • #10
Superb. Will definitely look forward to seeing how this takes shape...

...and it is Hethel Yellow too! (y)
Hethel yellow felt like the right choice - while Seneca is an Emira signature colour there are so many great photos of the Emira in Seneca that yellow felt a bit more interesting for this piece. And a classic Lotus colour to boot. (y) (cue yellow thumbs up!)
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  • #11
First small steps, overlay a 25mm grid ready for scaling. Only the car itself needs this treatment - the rest is so straightforward I'll measure some datum points and set it out on the canvas. This meant I could print just the car as large as possible on my A4 printer making for easier reference - important for 58 year-old eyes!


I wasn't quite happy with the proportions in my original landscape format so I've decided to go for a large square canvas 36" x 36" (910mm x 910mm for metric lovers). Below you can see it in true scale beside the Emira, at almost exactly 75% of the Emira's 1225mm height. (This is a photo mock-up at this stage, hopefully when complete you won't be able to tell the difference).

Emira painting to scale.png
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Hi, you may (or most likely may not!) remember me mentioning I will be creating some paintings of the Emira.

The below is the source image for my first painting - after playing about with the configurator and creating my own deliberately simple and stylised background this is what I'll be painting, the canvas will be 30" x 20" although I may switch to a larger square format and go for 36" x 36".

This will have a 1" x 1" pencil grid applied to assist with proportion and scaling before being hand-drawn onto the canvas, then the real fun starts! If you are interested I can post progress shots in this thread so you can follow the painting's evolution.

View attachment 3286
Yes please post! I would love to get one. 😃
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  • #15
A decent evening's work, that's the Emira sketched in place minus the wheels - need a fresh head and eyes for those tomorrow.

The canvas had 2 coats of clear gesso then a thorough sanding, before sketching. It will get another 2 coats to lock the drawing in before painting starts, then another sanding.

This gives a better, smoother base for detail work than painting straight onto the canvas.

Blocking in the background will be done before work starts on the Emira, everything has a sequence for good reason.

Hope you enjoy, the next stages get a bit more dramatic...

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  • #16
Tonight was about mixing my version of Hethel yellow, settled on something close to PMS 116c - doesn't need to be exact for these purposes, then masking off the subject so I could blast in the background.

So now, oddly enough, the only thing that isn't yellow is the Emira! 😂

Removing the masking is always fun, looking forward to starting on the main event tomorrow.
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  • #17
...and we are underway, although the Rugby 6 Nations will mean little progress this afternoon!
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  • #18
The body is now starting to take shape, the process of recreating it certainly immerses you in all the gorgeous details of its form.😍

As you can see from my palette below, light and shade leads to endless variations of Hethel yellow.
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  • #19
Some of the colour blocked in down below and a little bit of detail work on the upper side area.

The apparent colour values here will shift quite dramatically once the darker elements like the window, wheel wells and sill are added - and the wing mirror shadow will make sense once I've actually drawn and painted the wing mirror! 🤣
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  • #20
Here's tonight's progress so far, nice to be moving into some new tones and getting some more shape to it. It's really revealing and rewarding exploring the Emira's curves so "up close and personal."

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