US Exchange Rates - Purchase impact?


Emira Fan
Jan 9, 2022
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No financial wizard and curious of your thoughts…

The strength of the US dollar continues to rise. It’s nearly 1:1 to the Euro. Who knows how it will compare when the Emira is finally ready for US buyers.

That said, how might the rising US dollar impact US pricing and profit/loss for Lotus?
Global manufacturers use more long range FX averaging and don't tie pricing to daily/weekly/monthly trends. They do, however, report FX and it's effect on their earnings reports. I suspect prices in the US will be adjusted up due to overall inflation though the current valuation may blunt that somewhat. For example, if UK prices go up 5%, US prices may only rise 3%.
it will do nothing. China geely will enjoy ripping off US Customers is all. probably increase the price more for fun. Our dollar is worth a lot more than the pound now but pricing will be the same US dollars.
No financial wizard and curious of your thoughts…

The strength of the US dollar continues to rise. It’s nearly 1:1 to the Euro. Who knows how it will compare when the Emira is finally ready for US buyers.

That said, how might the rising US dollar impact US pricing and profit/loss for Lotus?

Obviously, a rising dollar makes it easier for Lotus to keep prices low in the US market, but FX rates will likely play a relatively minor part in the pricing of Lotus. There are many other factors at play, such as incredible unmet demand in the US, which will pull the price higher. I would expect subsequent year cars to experience 10% or more price increases if the current situation persists.