U.S. Update: Allocation & Order Date



Good morning,

Exciting news. Yesterday I was informed by my dealer Gator Motorsport that they have received an allocation for me and I can submit my order this coming April. Delivery is scheduled for Nov '22-Jan '23. Delivery date will be confirmed once my order is placed. Sweet baby Yoda!!
Great news! From other posts I've seen it looks like all the US dealers have now been notified of 2022 allocations and are starting to contact customers about timescales for deliveries and finalising orders.

Exciting times!
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Great news! From other posts I've seen it looks like all the US dealers have now been notified of 2022 allocations and are starting to contact customers about timescales for deliveries and finalising orders.

Exciting times!
Very exciting. I'm looking forward to working with my saleswoman (Allison) to complete my order in April. Thank you Tom for all the value you bring to the forum. Its been a wealth of knowledge and information. I'll continue to provide any new info as I move forward with the process. What a dream come true. Thrilled!
Hopefully Lotus is taking local weather into consideration for allocations. It would suck for me to have to take delivery in the winter on the east coast...
I wish I was wrong, but the answer is no they won't be. Porsche is the same. They work year round and don't pause for weather.
Yup, I can attest to this first hand. After nearly 8 months of waiting I finally took delivery of my car on 01/04 here in the Northeast and It's been snowing and raining ever since. It's a terrible time for driving but there's nothing that can be done, it's simply the luck of the draw.

Now that allocations are assigned to the U.S. dealers I'm curious as to whether most SA's contact their deposit holders to give them a general timeframe for order placement or we're simply left hanging until our place in line is close to being called.
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Good morning,

Exciting news. Yesterday I was informed by my dealer Gator Motorsport that they have received an allocation for me and I can submit my order this coming April. Delivery is scheduled for Nov '22-Jan '23. Delivery date will be confirmed once my order is placed. Sweet baby Yoda!!
When was your first deposit?
If they deliver during winter, I don't really mind as long as my dealer can keep the car till spring lol

Here we regularly get temperatures around -20 celsius (-5 farenheight) and 20-30cm (8-12 inches) of snow a day during winter time
If they deliver during winter, I don't really mind as long as my dealer can keep the car till spring lol

Here we regularly get temperatures around -20 celsius (-5 farenheight) and 20-30cm (8-12 inches) of snow a day during winter time

Sounds having a lot of fun driving in winter with a RWD. 😜🏁
Just on the subject, I’m wondering that if I was informed of say a February delivery, could I postpone it a month to get a March ( 23 reg) plate?
Good morning,

Exciting news. Yesterday I was informed by my dealer Gator Motorsport that they have received an allocation for me and I can submit my order this coming April. Delivery is scheduled for Nov '22-Jan '23. Delivery date will be confirmed once my order is placed. Sweet baby Yoda!!
That is great news. Must be getting close for Canada. Has anyone heard from their Canadian dealer?
I haven't heard a peep from my dealer since I put my deposit in September. I sent them an email this morning... we'll see if I get a response.
Don‘t sent emails! Call him or her to get they on the line and ask directly. You will get your answer immediately! 😎
I haven't heard a peep from my dealer since I put my deposit in September. I sent them an email this morning... we'll see if I get a response.
Talked to the dealer in Montreal about a week ago, they knew North America would get 700 allocations, that they would get the amount of allocations they have in the next few weeks. Without giving me official confirmation, he said chances are very good I get my car in 2022 since I'm #4 in line. Apparently, the Montreal dealer bought and sold 10 Evora GT last year, so they are expecting to get the most allocations in Canada.

I'm expecting a call within the next 2 weeks.
With cup2s hopefully 😂
mine will be delivered with Cup2 for sure. If the dealer does not want to keep the car till the end of the winter, it'll be towed to my home garage, no driving happening till april hehe
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Yup, I can attest to this first hand. After nearly 8 months of waiting I finally took delivery of my car on 01/04 here in the Northeast and It's been snowing and raining ever since. It's a terrible time for driving but there's nothing that can be done, it's simply the luck of the draw.

Now that allocations are assigned to the U.S. dealers I'm curious as to whether most SA's contact their deposit holders to give them a general timeframe for order placement or we're simply left hanging until our place in line is close to being called.
I'd expect North American dealers to be contacting all deposit holders over the next two weeks to update them on the overall position, give an indication of your likely delivery month and advise the deadline for submitting your spec. Some of the larger dealers might start with earlier depositors first, but no one has to do specs until March so there's time to contact everyone before then.
Just on the subject, I’m wondering that if I was informed of say a February delivery, could I postpone it a month to get a March ( 23 reg) plate?
Yes you can, just ask to move down the queue.
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