Order Entry Process - Exciting News!


Emira Maniac
Oct 18, 2021
Reaction score
Texas, USA
This is what the dealer gets and is on the US order form pdf-

Order Entry Overview:
All orders MUST be accompanied by a previously approved Lotus Emira Order Request submission ID with the corresponding customer information.

This must be the same customer identified on the RDR when the unit arrives and is retailed.

Failure to comply will result in a redistribution of dealer allocations as LCU reserves the right to recalculate distribution monthly.

LCU does so to adjust for changes in factory production capacity and each “provisionally allocated” production slot that was not confirmed due to the lack of a verifiable customer order and delivery.

Order your dealer demo first using Submission ID “123456” and by entering your dealer’s name, salesperson email, dealer phone number and address in the client information fields.

We will review the submission to verify the order is for a previously approved Emira depositor.

An approval or denial email will be sent after review.

These emails will include a link to the completed form where edits can be made as needed.

This and all emails affiliated with the order entry will be sent to the “Salesperson Email”.

The final confirmation page before submitting the order can be printed or saved as a PDF to share with your customer with an outline of their configuration.

Dealer agrees that all personal information provided by customers will be collected and held in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

Fairly excited today seeing this on the “Order Form”. :)
Very interesting. Dealers might find ways round it but this is going to make it harder for them to do things like sell spots to people who jump in now and pay markups.
Very interesting. Dealers might find ways round it but this is going to make it harder for them to do things like sell spots to people who jump in now and pay markups.
Actually, in the USA it actually quite easy, just have the buyer with the deep pockets submit a deposit and get a reservation number. Lotus requires this number but cannot control the position in line at the dealer. As long as lotus continues to allow reservations there’s an easy way around this.

Regardless, I applaud Lotus Cars US for this effort, it’s a hell of a lot more than Porsche, Mercedes or Chevrolet do.