Emira rated as at least as good as most McLarens on track!


Emira Fiend
Jan 7, 2022
Reaction score
Surrey, United Kingdom
Not my best video. Buggered up the cameras and mics and didn't want to post it but the overall remarks from Katie did make it a worthwhile upload.

Katie did drive my car but it didn't make the video.
Even before then she rated the Emira as highly as any McLaren before you passed the 720.
She was a McLaren test driver and instructor, now a Lotus instructor.

I didn't put all the interview in there but she cites the delivery, balance, road holding, steering and everything else as a perfect package.
She also remarked that her colleagues who have come out of the Emira have been taken aback at how good the car is OUT OF THE BOX.
Does it need mods? Maybe not.

This was before I fitted the Larini exhaust.

Can you please add comments on YouTube if you can, along with Likes (if you like it) as it helps the algorithm! :)

Not my best video. Buggered up the cameras and mics and didn't want to post it but the overall remarks from Katie did make it a worthwhile upload.

Katie did drive my car but it didn't make the video.
Even before then she rated the Emira as highly as any McLaren before you passed the 720.
She was a McLaren test driver and instructor, now a Lotus instructor.

I didn't put all the interview in there but she cites the delivery, balance, road holding, steering and everything else as a perfect package.
She also remarked that her colleagues who have come out of the Emira have been taken aback at how good the car is OUT OF THE BOX.
Does it need mods? Maybe not.

This was before I fitted the Larini exhaust.

Can you please add comments on YouTube if you can, along with Likes (if you like it) as it helps the algorithm! :)

I would love to see a video of the sound inside the car with the larini exhaust.
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You can hear the Larini exhaust inside the car in my Larini video.
I believe is it with the windows up.
I nearly always have it windows down, even now it is cold, as it sounds amazing and enough to negate the wind noise.

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