Emira Priority Customer


Emira Maniac
Oct 18, 2021
Reaction score
Texas, USA
Deposit 7/7/2021
Last Email 10/21/2021

“…as an Emira Priority Customer…”

It’s been 78 days since any proactive communication. :) I’d hate to be a non-priority…

Doesn't say "top" or "high" priority...
Yeah but it did say he was supposed to be in the fast lane. Lol, I seriously think they don’t know what they are doing yet and that’s what all the confusion is.

They will need to start confirming this and next month otherwise deposits may start getting pulled.

I will hold off this year on the 132 EV I was looking to put a very early deposit down on now until Lotus get themselves organised.
Patience you must have, young Emira-wan ;)

Big update coming later in January. And I agree they've left way too big a gap.
Do you know what the score is with changing spec on June delivery cars Tom?
I'm still waiting for an official update. I know several people have asked for changes (including exterior colour, interior trim, suspension, black pack) and that's been OK. Others have asked and are waiting for Lotus to confirm. So far I haven't heard of anyone being told their requested change would definitely mean a delay.

I'd urge anyone with a June delivery who is considering changes to contact Lotus on Monday and ask for them to assess the impact. The window for changes is likely to be closing very soon - possible a week or so.
I'm still waiting for an official update. I know several people have asked for changes (including exterior colour, interior trim, suspension, black pack) and that's been OK. Others have asked and are waiting for Lotus to confirm. So far I haven't heard of anyone being told their requested change would definitely mean a delay.

I'd urge anyone with a June delivery who is considering changes to contact Lotus on Monday and ask for them to assess the impact. The window for changes is likely to be closing very soon - possible a week or so.
I guess I was thinking what are the chances of actually seeing painted cars and then locking in final builds
I'm pushing them on this. A number of people want to see the promised painted cars before finalising. Now there is no 3rd deposit it's also unclear at what point the spec is "committed" and cannot be changed.

It's fine they're saying you can cancel up to 30 days before delivery, but if you've been locked in to one colour now and then in a month decide you want a different colour then being able to cancel is of no help!
I had this in an email from Customer Services end of last year,

"Unfortunately no Dark Verdant Emira yet in the flesh so cannot provide any pictures, however there will be some produced in the New year for press reviews etc"

I think most people would take New Year to mean Jan, maybe Feb. We shall see..
For the 6x colours pics, I was being told “soon” in October! Then it was “January” and it’s always been “before first customers have to finalise specs”.
Deposit 7/7/2021
Last Email 10/21/2021

“…as an Emira Priority Customer…”

It’s been 78 days since any proactive communication. :) I’d hate to be a non-priority…

I think there are better ways of communicating with deposit clients , come on Lotus , start talking to us 😳
When i paid my 2nd deposit (which was ages ago) I was told the next update was in the new year, probably January. So from my point of view it's consistent
However there were a few curve balls as others have also highlighted
1) Fluffiness on when we need to actually commit to the spec (on going)
2) All colour options on cars 'soon' ... i need to check that definition!
3) Dealers ... ok 'agents' completely in the dark, and pointless even contacting them

None of it though is a big deal.
I had this in an email from Customer Services end of last year,

"Unfortunately no Dark Verdant Emira yet in the flesh so cannot provide any pictures, however there will be some produced in the New year for press reviews etc"

I think most people would take New Year to mean Jan, maybe Feb. We shall see..
Did they say for the yellow please refer to the China photos doing the rounds on the forums? 😝

There’s been no formal acknowledgment from Lotus that the yellow car in China is representative of the yellow to be available on the FE cars.
interesting if all noted when they paid deposits to see where we are on list of orders if that is anything to go by.

I paid 1st deposit on the 9th July and the second deposit on the 7th october and heard nothing since.

Spring starts March 20th!

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