What road trip would you like to do in your Emira (when we get it)


Emira Fan
Jul 27, 2021
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I would like to do a road trip in the UK or Europe in my Emira maybe some time next year maybe over 3-5 days. Would love some recommendations/ideas
Wish it was a road that slithers through valleys, up mountains, and over passes, but sadly it won't be.. First drives will be all over town for a couple hundy, register at the southern address and then move 1000mi. to the northern address - all highway.. (Palm Beach to Washington DC)

..I may get some side roads avoiding traffic though..
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Where are you starting from? Might take you a day or two to get to some of the roads I mention below.

In the UK I’d suggest the North Coast 500. That’s about right for 3-5 days, and it’s lovely.

If you want some serious mountain roads, it’s hard to beat the combo of San Gotthard Pass, Furka Pass, Grimselpass, and Sustenpass. Alternatively Jaufenpass and Timmelsjoch are also epic. Grossglockner or Stelvio are incredible if you wake up early. I just did all of them last week, took about 6 marathon days starting in Munich. Feel free so ask me anything.

I have a few suggestions off-continent too, but it’s all in the ode to roads thread.
The journey I'm most looking forward to is collection day from Hethel..."soon"
Definitely the NC500 (I'd miss out most northern part if I'm honest though) and depending where you are based their are some cracking roads in the Yorkshire Dales which you could do on your way up and then back down. I've got plenty of Google map routes I can throw your way if needed.
NC500 in my friends Vantage a couple of years back.
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Where are you starting from? Might take you a day or two to get to some of the roads I mention below.

In the UK I’d suggest the North Coast 500. That’s about right for 3-5 days, and it’s lovely.

If you want some serious mountain roads, it’s hard to beat the combo of San Gotthard Pass, Furka Pass, Grimselpass, and Sustenpass. Alternatively Jaufenpass and Timmelsjoch are also epic. Grossglockner or Stelvio are incredible if you wake up early. I just did all of them last week, took about 6 marathon days starting in Munich. Feel free so ask me anything.

I have a few suggestions off-continent too, but it’s all in the ode to roads thread.
Wow how long did it take you to do that and what was you driving
Wow how long did it take you to do that and what was you driving

I rented an Audi TT convertible from Sixt. It's the sportiest thing I could find that would let me drive 3000km.

Took about 6 days starting in Munich, and then doing a counterclockwise loop through the alps from Austria to Italy to Switzerland and back to Germany. I also took 4 days prior to that and hit Nurburgring, Stuttgart and Romantic Road.

NC500 was a different trip, I rented a Caterham for that and did it in 3 days.
Come with a bunch of friendly Emira owners on the soon-to-be-scheduled Isle of Man 2023 trip - info from this year's postponed trip here:

When mine arrives I'll be doing a multi-day trip from Swansea north through Wales up to Liverpool. Lots of interesting roads and scenery.

Lotus in the Peak is a great weekend of driving and Lotus community activities, easily extended by a few days.
Closed section of N260 Northern Spain, road completely washed away, had some fun shooting vid, N260 has some great sections and empty in September.

Nice video but IMO very bad driving cutting on the curves , even if you have visibility that’s not the way to drive it sorry

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