Uk lurker

Hey everyone.

I’ve been lurking for a while but have got bored of the lack of action on the other forum, so thought I’d finally sign up

V6 DV on order… was June delivery, god only knows what the dates are now…
Welcome Lurker. You'll find all types on here... Enjoy the ride
Can we call you Lurker? Or Lurk for short? 😘😄
Welcome, it's a really informative place to be here whilst we wait for delivery and full production spec news
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Thanks both

Leonard, I’ve been called worse!

Reviews bah…. Give me a test drive!!!
Welcome! That name looks familiar... 👋
Hey everyone.

I’ve been lurking for a while but have got bored of the lack of action on the other forum, so thought I’d finally sign up

V6 DV on order… was June delivery, god only knows what the dates are now…
Welcome. I recognize your name from the 'other' forum. This one is by far the best Emira forum and the most active. Good group. You'll enjoy it here!
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Welcome to the Emira Waiting Room.
Yes indeedy.

Beginning to think I should have taken the cayman gts build slot I was offered in March, as I could’ve driven it for the summer at close to zero cost given second hand prices whilst waiting… and waiting…. Oh yes and waiting a bit more.

Assuming I’m now September delivery at earliest but yet to hear anything formal
Can we call you Lurker? Or Lurk for short? 😘😄
Welcome, it's a really informative place to be here whilst we wait for delivery and full production spec news
1. there is only one informative person on here, the rest of us talk a load of.......
2. am I the only faithful one here? Im not on any other forum or FB or anything... whats the price of loyalty these days eh

Hey everyone.

I’ve been lurking for a while but have got bored of the lack of action on the other forum, so thought I’d finally sign up

V6 DV on order… was June delivery, god only knows what the dates are now…
So, Lurky McLurker, do I take it from your handle you are half Scots half Welsh?

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