Storage in the Hatch/Boot


Sep 2, 2021
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Plan to put down my deposit tomorrow.
Not seen any pics of the back hatch open to see if there is any storage space there. I recall reading that there is room for a set of golf clubs or do they go behind the seats?
Plan to put down my deposit tomorrow.
Not seen any pics of the back hatch open to see if there is any storage space there. I recall reading that there is room for a set of golf clubs or do they go behind the seats?

emira trunk.JPG
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Here's another view of the rear/boot.

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Thanks, what is the purpose of the red cylinder and too bad it could not be hidden to allow more storage.
Thanks, what is the purpose of the red cylinder and too bad it could not be hidden to allow more storage.
I’ve read that is a fire suppression system for the prototype (there is also an emergency red button in the cup holder of the shadow grey model). Production models shouldn’t have it…hopefully they will also figure out a battery cover that doesn’t look like a couple of doorstops from the local hardware store)

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