Lotus again delays FE delivery for me.


Emira Fan
Jul 26, 2021
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North Carolina
First my FE V6 was going to be here this spring, then November timeframe, now they say the order is going in this week and I will get the car in early 2023! I replied "At some point Lotus actually has to deliver a product". Anyway, frustrating but what can you do. I don't want anything else.
First my FE V6 was going to be here this spring, then November timeframe, now they say the order is going in this week and I will get the car in early 2023! I replied "At some point Lotus actually has to deliver a product". Anyway, frustrating but what can you do. I don't want anything else.
That is frustrating........but at least they are not trying to deny their version of reality. I wonder if type approval is the issue so they ship to UK to maximise revenue? I'm stabbing in the dark. Stay chilled.
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That is frustrating........but at least they are not trying to deny their version of reality. I wonder if type approval is the issue so they ship to UK to maximise revenue? I'm stabbing in the dark. Stay chilled.
Just taking forever. I'd like to know how many they can make per day and if they are having supply chain issues as well.
I believe they're aiming at 19 or 20 a day, and that's for one shift. U.K. cars which are right-hand drive are getting built first, then they'll switch to left-hand drive cars. Anything else is a guess at this point.
First my FE V6 was going to be here this spring, then November timeframe, now they say the order is going in this week and I will get the car in early 2023! I replied "At some point Lotus actually has to deliver a product". Anyway, frustrating but what can you do. I don't want anything else.
Can I ask when your initial deposit went in?
I believe they're aiming at 19 or 20 a day, and that's for one shift. U.K. cars which are right-hand drive are getting built first, then they'll switch to left-hand drive cars. Anything else is a guess at this point.
One car every 17 minutes , if that helps !
Wait, you're ordering this week and your dealer is now telling you 2023!? I thought April orders were scheduled for Sept/Oct build and Nov/Dec delivery...
April orders are for those that were in the original FE allocation group from last year. Any new orders this month will be for cars next year, or maybe longer depending on how things go. Hopefully Lotus can get that third shift going and not have any supply chain issues, which can move up the delivery times for anyone ordering a car now that didn't have a deposit from last year.
That doesn't stack up. April US orders will be built by October, so Nov/Dec delivered to you depending on shipping and customs.

A delivery into the US in Spring 2022 was never on the cards, I don't know where you picked that up. First US deliveries were always going to be 3-6 months after first UK deliveries. So August at the earliest. First customer deliveries were described last July as "in the spring", but that was for UK.
First my FE V6 was going to be here this spring, then November timeframe, now they say the order is going in this week and I will get the car in early 2023! I replied "At some point Lotus actually has to deliver a product". Anyway, frustrating but what can you do. I don't want anything else.

The reality is nobody knows. Even Lotus. Everything is an estimate. I still don't think there was a confirmation that the Emira went through homologation.... and I say this as someone who was a March order. I'm just hoping I get it this year, but we'll see.

Sounds more like a dealer issues not Lotus.
‘Spring was never on the cards for the USA. IMHO… sounds like they are stringing you along.

In December it was “Available Spring” in the US.
IIRC this was from the general global site, not the USA specific one. Notice that the specs are all metric Not standard as they are now. Spring was the original UK date… which is now Summer. My dealer never mentioned Spring… and always said we will know more at the beginning of the year… when they announced the production schedule.

Nope. US site. Right now. Metric.

I specifically took that screen shot for the season as it’s changed from Spring to Summer to Autumn here in the US.

Huh… my bad then.
I‘ve learned though through ordering several Porsches that until you have a physical allocation nothing is real.
Ditto. Just sucks that these 3 seasons were posted and won’t come true.

BUT I am definitely OK with it as I’d prefer quality over speed of delivery.
Unfortunately Lotus chose language that's easy to misunderstand. If you match up the times with ordering versus delivery, you'll see they match up to: Ordering in Spring 2022, and DELIVERY in fall/winter of 2022. They use the word "available" for both events which is misleading. Available to order and available to deliver/pickup need to be referred to with separate terms. They could use the terms Ordering Available for that time period, and Delivery Available for that so people understand why there's a 6+ month difference between the two. Or better yet, if they just said "Ordering begins in spring, with delivery in fall/winter" that would do the trick.

I'm guessing i4 DELIVERY will be winter 2023/24 but ordering will be in the spring 2023 or possibly even earlier depending on how things go.

Whatever things Lotus may be doing right, especially with the Emira, clear communications with the public certainly isn't one of them at this stage of their rebirth as the new Lotus. They really need a communications specialist to go through everything and get it all in order.
My understanding is that dealers who received allocations of ~15 cars will be 'specing' 4 a month starting last month(march). I'm at the end of the list with my dealer, so I believe I'll be ordering my FE next month or in June.
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3 days after the car was announced. I think that was in July. I was fourth in line.
Wait, you're ordering this week and your dealer is now telling you 2023!? I thought April orders were scheduled for Sept/Oct build and Nov/Dec delivery...
Yep. They told me Nov/Dec a month ago, now saying early 2023.
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Sounds like crying to me. Unless this is your only car and your DD, who cares when it arrives? This is an extreme luxury item.
Weird post. Who cares when it arrives? Anyone who wants one cares. The whole point is to get it and enjoy it. It is not crying when the delivery date keeps getting moved. Are you actually ordering one or just trolling?

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