Lotus 2023 sales and more...


Emira Fan
Nov 16, 2021
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hong kong
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Emira Owner
Quoting from Lotus' IPO prospectus:

"Lotus Tech anticipated sales of approximately 21,500 vehicles in 2023, including approximately 18,000units of Eletre and approximately 3,500units of sports car models,EmiraandEvija. Itwasalsoanticipatedthat in2023,China,UK,EUandUS would contribute approximately46%, 22%, 28%and1%of the total sales volume respectively(withtherestof theworld, includingAsia(other thanChina),Australia, certainpartsof theMiddleEastandSouthAmerica,contributingapproximately2%of the total sales volume).

Lotus Tech anticipated sales of approximately 55,500 vehicles in 2024, including approximately 28,000units of Eletre, approximately 22,000units of Type133, and approximately5,500unitsof sportscarmodels. Itwasalsoanticipated that in2024, China,UK,EUandUSwouldcontributeapproximately43%,18%,23%,and9%ofthe total salesvolumerespectively(withtherestof theworld, includingAsia(other than China),Australia, certainpartsof theMiddleEast andSouthAmerica, contributing approximately 6% of the total sales volume).

LotusTechanticipatedsalesofover76,000vehiclesin2025, includingapproximately 41,000units of Eletre, 29,000units of Type133 and approximately 6,000units of sportscarmodels. Itwasalsoanticipatedthat in2025,China,UK,EUandUSwould contribute approximately 43%, 16%, 20% and 12% of the total sales volume respectively(withtherestof theworld, includingAsia(other thanChina),Australia, certainpartsof theMiddleEastandSouthAmerica,contributingapproximately9%of the total sales volume)."

"Projectedgrossprofit: Expectedgrossmarginin2023wasadjustedfrom~14–16%as includedin theJuneUpdatedProjectionsto~8%–10%asincludedintheOctoberUpdatedProjections,reflecting higher-than-expectedrawmaterialscost aswell asreducedcost efficiencyasaresultofanticipated volumedecreaseintheOctoberUpdatedProjections.From2023to2025,grossmarginwasexpected toincreasefrom~8%–10%in2023to~21%–23%in2025,reflectingtheassumptionsandestimates previously used for the June Updated Projections and the Initial Projections."

Sorry about the formatting... copied and pasted from the SEC website. It seems 3400+ Emiras were sold globally in 2023 and they are expecting 55000/6000 ish for 24 and 25. I also am told they sold close to 600 Emiras in China in 2023.

Are these numbers up to your expectations?
bro what happened to your space bar
I was bored and this was really satisfying to do. heres his message again but with spaces:

"Lotus Tech anticipated sales of approximately 21,500 vehicles in 2023, including approximately 18,000units of Eletre and approximately 3,500units of sports car models, Emira and Evija. It was also anticipated that in 2023, China, UK, EU and US would contribute approximately 46%, 22%, 28% and 1% of the total sales volume respectively(with the rest of the world, including Asia(other than China), Australia, certain parts of the Middle East and South America, contributing approximately 2% of the total sales volume).

Lotus Tech anticipated sales of approximately 55,500 vehicles in 2024, including approximately 28,000units of Eletre, approximately 22,000units of Type133, and approximately 5,500 units of sports car models. It was also anticipated that in 2024, China, UK, EU and US would contribute approximately 43%, 18%, 23%, and 9% of the total sales volume respectively(with the rest of the world, including Asia(other than China), Australia, certain parts of the MiddleEast and South America, contributing approximately 6% of the total sales volume).

Lotus Tech anticipated sales of over 76,000 vehicles in 2025, including approximately 41,000 units of Eletre, 29,000 units of Type133 and approximately 6,000units of sports car models. It was also anticipated that in 2025, China, UK, EU and US would contribute approximately 43%, 16%, 20% and 12% of the total sales volume respectively(with the rest of the world, including Asia(other than China), Australia, certain parts of the Middle East and South America, contributing approximately 9% of the total sales volume)."

"Projected gross profit: Expected gross margin in 2023 was adjusted from ~14–16% as included in the June Updated Projection sto ~8%–10% as included in the October Updated Projections, reflecting higher-than-expected raw materials cost as well as reduced cost efficiency as a result of anticipated volume decrease in the October Updated Projections. From 2023 to 2025, gross margin was expected to increase from ~8%–10% in 2023 to ~21%–23% in 2025, reflecting the assumptions and estimates previously used for the June Updated Projections and the Initial Projections."

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