Emiras advertised for sale on other sites


Emira Addict
Apr 18, 2022
Reaction score
I am not sure if the moderators / admins want a place for people to be able to sell their cars or not, but I think there should be (maybe there already is) a place for people who spot ads of Emiras for sale to be put here on the forum.

So far we have heard of an EU car up for sale and now a Hethel Yellow car at Central Lotus for sale, although its not on their website yet, but reportedly for sale at 105,000 pounds.

This thread is not intended as a debate for how much the cars should fetch, their depreciation etc, that already exists, it's just for advertisements of actual cars for sale when they appear to help those who may want to buy them / sell them and yes, to give us an idea how much they are going for.

IMO it can include forum members who want to sell their cars too, no matter what the feeling is on this, each to their own.

When posting an ad from another site, if you can also please briefly state the details, price, spec etc.
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Forum members can advertise cars for sale in the Marketplace sub-forum:

If people want to post info about cars they spot advertised elsewhere, that's fine and they can go in this thread. I've moved it to the Marketplace sub-forum, as that's the more relevant place for it.
its here.... a snip @ 105k!!

The Ad indicates Rotherham , so looks like a private sale - Photos are of Central showroom.

Not much in the write up but "Brans new " - not even proof read ;)
Definitely the car delivered to Central Lotus Nottingham and publicised by them as the first customer delivery via a UK dealer.
You'd think he would at least take some decent photos.
There are 2 for sale in Spain and 3 in Italy here:
ok, the red Spain is our friend @emiraspain . He is not sure what to do with himself 🤣
The second one from UnoAuto, simply doesn't exist. It's a company that just posts anything new in the market like if they had it. Completely fake, doesn't count
The ones in Italy, on the other hand, look like straight from 2 Lotus official dealers. Strange the price, no markup on new and available? Hmmm
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ok, the red Spain is our friend @emiraspain . He is not sure what to do with himself 🤣
The second one from UnoAuto, simply doesn't exist. It's a company that just posts anything new in the market like if they had it. Completely fake, doesn't count
The ones in Italy, on the other hand, look like straight from 2 Lotus official dealers. Strange the price, no markup on new and available? Hmmm
1. I have no friends...
2. Yes..... correct everything else.
Have had one person contact me of interest so far in 1 month, but up until last week, there were no cars in Spain at all....

WIthout the dealer doing some major promoting for the car/brand, I dont think they will sell many at all!
They really need a showroom in Barcelona / Madrid / Marbella if they are to get any sort of sales in this country, so far, not so good, but at 112k, it is right at Spyder money and virtually the same availability, and instead of just one Lotus dealer, you have around 40 Porsche dealers.... no competition.
Let me ask this for the US members, what do you think someone would reasonably pay for one when they first hit the streets? Like if I were to sell mine in March what do you think it would fetch? I will be getting one of the first in the United States.
I’ll start, there will be someone willing to pay 115-120k
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Yeah I'd expect him to get £95k at a push but probably more like £90k. £105k is mad, I'll be selling ours straight away if that's the case.
Not arguing at all, its an interesting discussion, which we will have to wait a few weeks to see the results. However, I think my car with tax and delivery, dont forget thats all extra.. NOT INCLUDED on the website price.... comes to about 84k and maybe even 85k if factory collection. No one is getting a car at 79k.... its just misleading the number on the website. So lets look at 84k.

We are talking about car companies raising their prices, porsche have done so more than once already... factory inflation figures around 20%, much higher than consumer inflation. Interest rates to get a loan now heading to 10.12% and maybe 15% by the time some people get their hands on these cars, hence much better now than in the future.

In THEORY...these FE cars already have a built in saving of about 2500 pounds for all the crap they give us, some of which we would not choose.
You have to assume my 84k FE car will in 6 months cost much closer to 87k....? Seems high, maybe a 5% rise.

So all this badly organized (saturday morning) facts and opinions, plus beating a 15 month waiting list, having the latest/coolest car on the market, only gives a mark up of 2 3 thousand to a current buyer...
I feel the opposite, I would be amazed if a car went for 90k.... and would be disappointed to only get 95k.
Its going to be interesting, but we may never know truthfully how much this car goes for.... plus its yellow, which looks great, but it simply is not going to be a high value colour in my opinion. Its like a bright green porsche, may look good or not, but used buyers want the regular boring blues, greys etc...

LETS see what happensssssss
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Yeah I'd expect him to get £95k at a push but probably more like £90k. £105k is mad, I'll be selling ours straight away if that's the case.
I don’t see that £105k is mad not to a buyer that money is not a restrictor to have something now that you can’t get people will pay well over the odds. Like I said not too long along I sold a pair of desirable trainers RRP £150 for £1k . Lot of people would say that is mad but not to a person who has more money than sense - he couldn’t get them so people quiet willing to pay massively over premium. Just look at the ridiculous prices RS3 were fetching - just all about the desirability of the item - supply n demand
Friend of mine in the trade sent me this earlier. Not a great mark-up on this one, 6k loss if it goes for reserve!


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