Emira vs Ferrari - Still not 100% on which to sell


Emira Fiend
Jan 7, 2022
Reaction score
Surrey, United Kingdom
Agh. You can see here why I am so reticent to sell my Ferrari.
I bought it as the Emira was delayed and I would have missed the summer of 2022 without a wicked sports car.
I did plan on keeping both car and sell the C63 but I need the funds from one car for an investment opportunity.

One has to go by May at the latest. I wish I could afford to store the F430 as it will surely appreciate in this manual spec.

I know its a ridiculous 1st world problem but ...

I don’t even see it as a hard decision. No matter how good the Emira is you can always order a brand new one in the spec you want in a couple of years time.

Emira is at the start of its production run and will be here for years to come. It’s largely why I have cancelled mine for an opportunity that I might not be able to justify later in life. The Ferrari is a special car and nothing is changing that, the Emira is only special now because it’s brand new and fresh. I would move it on whilst you don’t lose anything and then look into another one in a couple of years time when they have depreciated a little.
variety is the spice of life. If you’ve had a summer with the Ferrari why not sell that and enjoy a summer with the emira and then sell that and try something else next year
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Agh, you are one of the few who has said to keep the Ferrari and your points are very valid.
I did get a decent offer for the Emira.
The other factors that I can track the Emira, I can really rag it out on drives, it is a LOT less costly to run, it is even prettier and it released 50% more funds for me.

This is why this is a nightmare. I blame Lotus for its delay putting me in this position! 😬
I used to follow a guy called Aldous Voice, when I was in the market for a f430 , he kept a database to track every single UK ferrari on the market for 360 and f430 models , he kept all the spec , mileage and service details and what it sold for.
Agh, you are one of the few who has said to keep the Ferrari and your points are very valid.
I did get a decent offer for the Emira.
The other factors that I can track the Emira, I can really rag it out on drives, it is a LOT less costly to run, it is even prettier and it released 50% more funds for me.

This is why this is a nightmare. I blame Lotus for its delay putting me in this position! 😬
Well, you came on an Emira forum and asked if you should keep an Emira. I’d say you already knew what answer you wanted. Yes, you can buy another Emira. Can buy another 430 as well or a superleggra, or get an old Modena and drive it like you stole it. Same with an Exige;those are reasonably priced now. Hell, get a Lambo, those are insane machines and way better than a Ferrari IMHO.
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variety is the spice of life. If you’ve had a summer with the Ferrari why not sell that and enjoy a summer with the emira and then sell that and try something else next year
That is a very good compromise. My son said I could get a Lamborghini next year as I have never had one. I am currently 90:10 keeping the Lotus.
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Well, you came on an Emira forum and asked if you should keep an Emira
Ha, yeah., true but most of the posts on here are actually negative so it is quite a unique place to ask the question.
Conversely, if I asked this on the Ferrari forum then I imagine not one person would say to keep the Emira.
Economically, selling the Ferrari and keeping the Emira makes the most sense. The Emira is going to be cheaper to own, insure and maintain. The Emira should also be less fragile if you want a sports car to toss around and have fun with. A Ferrari is a Ferrari though. If you want to own a premier Italian sports car, it's hard to beat a Ferrari. However Ferraris have been around a long time and there's likely to always be cars available if you want one later. Being able to order a new Emira is an unknown at this point.

We know Lotus has said they plan on building them for years, but we've already seen Lotus say a lot of things that haven't come true in the last 2 years. Depending on the cost and how it's received, the Type 135 might become more viable for them. The whole company will be geared over to electric in the next 2 years, so how much longer are they really going to want to keep bothering with the Emira?

If they can't meet the demand in a timely manner now, how many years is it going to take them to just try and catch up to the order book they have already? It sounds like it's going to take them at least 2 years to try and catch up to the demand they already have, so I'm not so sure they're going to come out with additional models. I know people are confident they can just order a new one in a couple of years, and there's going to be more powerful models because that's what Lotus has always done, but based on the last year and a half, I don't know that I'd necessarily take that bet.

It's a tough call, but if it was me I'd sell the Ferrari and keep the FE if I needed money for other things. Do you need to sell the Mercedes AND either the Ferrari or the Lotus?
Ha, yeah., true but most of the posts on here are actually negative so it is quite a unique place to ask the question.
Conversely, if I asked this on the Ferrari forum then I imagine not one person would say to keep the Emira.
Haters gonna hate
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However Ferraris have been around a long time and there's likely to always be cars available if you want one later
Yeah, true. I even put a deposit down on the 296 but had to pull it.

Mercedes looks like it is sold - awaiting confirmation.

I can't ever see the Emira actually being common and it should be a decent long term keeper. The Ferrari has been flawless in 7 months though worry does creep into my mind occasionally. This has to be a factor. I dreamed the dream and probably best out of it before it becomes a nightmare. :D
Yeah, true. I even put a deposit down on the 296 but had to pull it.

Mercedes looks like it is sold - awaiting confirmation.

I can't ever see the Emira actually being common and it should be a decent long term keeper. The Ferrari has been flawless in 7 months though worry does creep into my mind occasionally. This has to be a factor. I dreamed the dream and probably best out of it before it becomes a nightmare. :D
Not a bad way to look at it. Ferraris are known for sudden expensive maintenance costs. I've watched a few videos on Harry's Garage of the expensive cars he has, and I don't see those long and expensive waits for repairs being all that much fun. Even if you have to replace the entire engine on an Emira later on, it's still going to be cheaper and easier than trying to just keep a Ferrari going.
tough call.... I would probably keep the Ferrari, a manual 430 is a far rarer beast than the Emira. Plus I suspect if you want to add an Emira down the road it wouldn't be as difficult.
Manual gearbox. A lot rarer and makes it a MUCH tougher decision.
I think that answers your question. If you sell the manual F430, how likely are you going to be able to replace it with the same and in as good condition at a similar price in future?
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Not a bad way to look at it. Ferraris are known for sudden expensive maintenance costs. I've watched a few videos on Harry's Garage of the expensive cars he has, and I don't see those long and expensive waits for repairs being all that much fun. Even if you have to replace the entire engine on an Emira later on, it's still going to be cheaper and easier than trying to just keep a Ferrari going.
Yeah, and it seems like he never actually drives the more exotic cars.
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I think that answers your question. If you sell the manual F430, how likely are you going to be able to replace it with the same and in as good condition at a similar price in future?
No chance. I wish I could afford to keep it and wrap it up from the investment point of view.
This is another reason why this is a killer dilemma. It is goes into £2xxK then I will surely regret. That happened with my EVO2 integrale. Bloody hell.

Maybe I should put the Emira up for a silly price and let fate decide. I was made a direct out of the blue offer but never even countered it.
Yeah, and it seems like he never actually drives the more exotic cars.
I know which seems kind of odd. Maybe it's not as much fun when you have the cost of ownership hovering around in the back of your mind as you're driving around. You do have a beautiful Ferrari though. It's a shame you can't keep both, but how often would you drive the Ferrari if you do what Harry does, and spend most of your time in the Emira?

There isn't any other investment you have that you could liquidate, that would allow you to keep both the Ferrari and the Emira?

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