Dipping into the Lotus colour back catalogue...


Emira Maniac
Jul 19, 2021
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Greetings around the globe, whichever timezone you are in! It's G&T o'clock in Edinburgh - but only after I've completed this post...

I was talking to my local dealer the other day, the topic of colours came up and what new colours may be offered for the Emira - apparently the online configurator will be updated before the September show-car tour, although I am not sure if the colours will somehow be split between edition 1 and post-edition 1 cars. As with everything else at present, there are more questions than answers!

So, with my only other Lotus being a 1977 eclat, and with the 70s rapidly undergoing a revival so that the decade that was once seen as a desert when it came to good design is now starting to become cool, I thought I'd put up a selection of Lotus colours from that period to see if you think any are worthy of the Emira? There were the usual stock black, white, orange shades so I've only shown some of the more period-specific ones, purple and gold being the signature colours for me here. I've included a slightly obvious red but only because the modded red elite pictured is insane! It is possibly too much but boy it makes a statement - and improves the look and stance of that car, which I'm sure will become a design classic after being derided for many years.

Any favourites? Any horrors? And any colour suggestions from other Lotus eras?
elite purple.jpg
elite blue.jpg
esprit gold.jpg
elite roman bronze.jpg
red elite.jpg
Some glorious past colours there !

I’m waiting for Vivid Green with a black pack to match my Exige.

someone get a JPS black n gold please
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Vivid green will look wild, can't wait to see that! JPS will look as awesome as it always does.
Greetings around the globe, whichever timezone you are in! It's G&T o'clock in Edinburgh - but only after I've completed this post...

I was talking to my local dealer the other day, the topic of colours came up and what new colours may be offered for the Emira - apparently the online configurator will be updated before the September show-car tour, although I am not sure if the colours will somehow be split between edition 1 and post-edition 1 cars. As with everything else at present, there are more questions than answers!

So, with my only other Lotus being a 1977 eclat, and with the 70s rapidly undergoing a revival so that the decade that was once seen as a desert when it came to good design is now starting to become cool, I thought I'd put up a selection of Lotus colours from that period to see if you think any are worthy of the Emira? There were the usual stock black, white, orange shades so I've only shown some of the more period-specific ones, purple and gold being the signature colours for me here. I've included a slightly obvious red but only because the modded red elite pictured is insane! It is possibly too much but boy it makes a statement - and improves the look and stance of that car, which I'm sure will become a design classic after being derided for many years.

Any favourites? Any horrors? And any colour suggestions from other Lotus eras?View attachment 106View attachment 107View attachment 108View attachment 109View attachment 110
Isn't it always G&T O'clock in Edinburgh?
I know it is down here!
If Lotus offers a gold color, I'd like to see a paint scheme similar to their E-R9 racer concept vehicle!


I'm really digging these vintage Lotus cars! Makes me want to get a couple.
They look cheap at the moment if you ask me. If I had 500k spare and a warehouse I'd fill it with old Elans and Esprits. Sub 50k for a mint Sprint or Series 1/2 Esprit looks like a right bargain
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