US buyer. Any guess when I can expect delivery?


Oct 4, 2022
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Austin, TX
Hey All.. Like the thread topic says… Any idea when I can expect delivery for a deposit placed around 6 months ago? Obviously not going to get a FE car and will happily take a I4 engine but when will that be? Does anybody have any idea? I’m happily driving a ZL1 1LE Camaro in the meantime but am getting itchy feet! That Z06 Corvette looks incredible at that price point and the Emira in a possible 2 year delivery might be old hat before it’s even on the driveway.
Not sure anyone can answer this. All I can say is that I’m a U.S. buyer who placed my deposit a few days after reveal and I’m due to take delivery in April 23.

I4 seems behind schedule so that might a longer wait than V6 base.
production was moved back to January, if you haven't put down a deposit by now, is a long shot!. I'm waiting for the I4 so I'm looking to get it sometime in the 3rd quarter of '24, just think you have been diploid and in two years you'll come home to your beautiful wife, that will get your spirits up... :)
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Thx! 3rd quarter of 2024! That’s got to be too long for anyone to wait, right? I guess this is all up in the air depending upon availability of microchips, and parts for production.. I guess who knows?? I think I’ll keep my current car for another year and see what happens then. If your in the US, where did you order your emira? I placed an order with Naples Motorsports in Florida. They did suggest 2023 delivery but obviously couldn’t be precise. Just thinking in another two years I will have moved on, and many others too..
Thx! 3rd quarter of 2024! That’s got to be too long for anyone to wait, right? I guess this is all up in the air depending upon availability of microchips, and parts for production.. I guess who knows?? I think I’ll keep my current car for another year and see what happens then. If your in the US, where did you order your emira? I placed an order with Naples Motorsports in Florida. They did suggest 2023 delivery but obviously couldn’t be precise. Just thinking in another two years I will have moved on, and many others too..
I did the same, I ordered from Naples, thankfully Ian didn't touch it or we would have been in a real bind, realistically, get a sneaker the old commercial used to say "Not going anywhere for a while?" but also remember, good things come to those who wait... "stay thirsty my friend"
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As an American waiting for a base edition v6... I'd be careful with the new corvettes. I cross-shopped briefly (never really wanted to give up manual but thought I should give everything a fair shake) and they seem to have horrible reliability. I have a coworker who was tired of his c7 (z06, I think) overheating on track, so traded it in for a c8. He has had all kinds of trouble, and he wouldnt own it if not in warranty. Apparently it is already Chevy's least reliable vehicle in their current lineup, which Chevy isnt exactly known for anyways at the moment... and that is without considering skepticism of their brand new, record-breakingly-high-revving v8 tech and souped-up performance parts for the c8 z06. Consumer Reports had the 2022 c8 in their 10 least reliable cars of the year, at 13/100. A shame because the predicted reliability was supposed to be super promising... these arent the old LS's of years past. All that to say, I am just a dude on the internet. Follow your heart!
Thx! 3rd quarter of 2024! That’s got to be too long for anyone to wait, right? I guess this is all up in the air depending upon availability of microchips, and parts for production.. I guess who knows?? I think I’ll keep my current car for another year and see what happens then. If your in the US, where did you order your emira? I placed an order with Naples Motorsports in Florida. They did suggest 2023 delivery but obviously couldn’t be precise. Just thinking in another two years I will have moved on, and many others too..
too long to wait ... guess it depends. I waited 17mo for the C8, I've had deposit on Z06 for 2 years and even with a low number deposit at largest dealer, still likely wont get for another year with everything going on. By the time the Emira FE arrives, it will be about 22mo wait. Some aren't willing to wait that long and get something else, everyone tolerances are different. Will Lotus start building more, adding the potential 2nd shift, .... no one knows so you could be in for a long haul or maybe you get lucky and get it later next year. But it does suck having to wait such a long time to get a car

The C8 has had some issues like any new car and unfortunately the biggest one is with the Tremec. but they are being replaced. They've built over 65k cars and for the most part they have been doing well. There is a local group near me with about 20 and not one person has had a problem, me included. Will the new Z06 have issues, most likely and perhaps the Lotus too. That is what the warranty is for to address any issues that aren't discovered until you get lots of tires on the ground.
If you haven’t had a Z06 deposit down since early 2020, sorry you’re not getting one. GM will never clear the backlog before the end of ICE production.
As an American waiting for a base edition v6... I'd be careful with the new corvettes. I cross-shopped briefly (never really wanted to give up manual but thought I should give everything a fair shake) and they seem to have horrible reliability. I have a coworker who was tired of his c7 (z06, I think) overheating on track, so traded it in for a c8. He has had all kinds of trouble, and he wouldnt own it if not in warranty. Apparently it is already Chevy's least reliable vehicle in their current lineup, which Chevy isnt exactly known for anyways at the moment... and that is without considering skepticism of their brand new, record-breakingly-high-revving v8 tech and souped-up performance parts for the c8 z06. Consumer Reports had the 2022 c8 in their 10 least reliable cars of the year, at 13/100. A shame because the predicted reliability was supposed to be super promising... these arent the old LS's of years past. All that to say, I am just a dude on the internet. Follow your heart!
This is the only Exvette I would ever buy NA V8 650 HP :)

If you haven’t had a Z06 deposit down since early 2020, sorry you’re not getting one. GM will never clear the backlog before the end of ICE production.
Why you gotta kill my dreams like that? 😂😭 (I put down a deposit for a C8 Z06 the day after its unveiling, Oct 2021)
Hey All.. Like the thread topic says… Any idea when I can expect delivery for a deposit placed around 6 months ago? Obviously not going to get a FE car and will happily take a I4 engine but when will that be? Does anybody have any idea? I’m happily driving a ZL1 1LE Camaro in the meantime but am getting itchy feet! That Z06 Corvette looks incredible at that price point and the Emira in a possible 2 year delivery might be old hat before it’s even on the driveway.
Placed my deposit/reservation around last week of February 2022 ,and a couple of days ago I contacted lotus dealership -Los Gatos , California and I was told they ordered 30 cars for allocations they were told deliveries would start at end of March 2023 I am 76th on their list so I still got a long wait to go as they don't know when would lotus allow next set of deliveries would be available so it might be just the 30 cars they are allocated for the year 0f 2023 and that's it. So it might be late 2024 or early 2025 for 76th spot . That's a long wait 😂 tooo loonnnng might look elsewhere when I get the itch to get a new car ..
I placed my deposit back in July of ‘21 and missed out on the FE but have been advised that I “should” be in the first batch of base editions whenever that queue gets processed. As far as delivery is concerned my dealer won’t even bother to guess…. I’d think that best case scenario I’m looking at 2 years from initial deposit but judging by how slowly things here are progressing I don’t have my hopes up….

Edit: I should add that I’ve never even seen an Emira in the “flesh”. My dealer didn’t get one on the traveling show late last year and, to date, can’t even provide me with an estimate as to when they’ll receive a demo.
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Placed my deposit/reservation around last week of February 2022 ,and a couple of days ago I contacted lotus dealership -Los Gatos , California and I was told they ordered 30 cars for allocations they were told deliveries would start at end of March 2023 I am 76th on their list so I still got a long wait to go as they don't know when would lotus allow next set of deliveries would be available so it might be just the 30 cars they are allocated for the year 0f 2023 and that's it. So it might be late 2024 or early 2025 for 76th spot . That's a long wait 😂 tooo loonnnng might look elsewhere when I get the itch to get a new car ..
In normal circumstances Lotus would be sorting out dealer allocations for next year during Q4.

As the allocations and deliveries for early 2023 are actually the delayed 2022 allocation, they may not work to that timetable. But with supply chains showing only limited signs of improvement, I’d expect Lotus to want to sort allocations and get specs booked in at least 6 months before expected delivery. So I think 2023 allocations might slip but not far into Q1.
I4 Beta Test ... er ... I mean First Edition's :) show available in Q2 2023 on US configurator.

When I placed an order at a US dealer in Spring 2022, 90% of their orders were for V6's.

As the I4 list was short I'm hoping their is still a possibility to get one in 2023.

Obviously anecdotal / speculative, but their may be a glimmer of hope.
I am 4th in my state for an FE and was recently told March/April. I don't get much if any proactive communication on this, it is responses when I ask my local dealer.
In normal circumstances Lotus would be sorting out dealer allocations for next year during Q4.

As the allocations and deliveries for early 2023 are actually the delayed 2022 allocation, they may not work to that timetable. But with supply chains showing only limited signs of improvement, I’d expect Lotus to want to sort allocations and get specs booked in at least 6 months before expected delivery. So I think 2023 allocations might slip but not far into Q1.
Haha thanks for lifting my spirits up for the Emira wait times it's just damn too long and no progress in sight at the moment
Deposit 7/9/21 now hoping for my Base V6MT by end Q3'23... Wishing I didnt sell my '19 911T a few months ago (but got all my $ back selling it after 28 months use and putting 21K miles on it)!
Try to get a GT4 or Spyder... Allocations are non existent... The GT4RS has huge ADM's and that's if you can find an open allocation. I'm number one on the list for the Spyder RS, but that's only because of my relationship (multi purchases, sellback, and service usage over several years) and the fact I inquired to be put on the list about a year and half ago. Anyone just jumping in (Like I did for the Lotus) doesn't have a chance. You are right on Customer Service... Once you have an allocation, Porsche's Scheduling/Production visibility is great... Updated weekly. Have a Track My Dream website to track your order, and you get photos of your car going through production. It's not 100% perfect though for Porsche. Example... if Supply of certain options aren't available, it's their discretion to delete that option if needed to move through production. Recently All 718 models can no longer order LED PDLS+ lights... So a ton of GT4RS cars were forced to base Xenons even though everyones build was locked and confirmed with the LED PDLS+ lights. All while some markets still get them (Australia). Nothing is perfect at the moment.
That's what really terrible about lotus during their launch they talked about how this will be the better and improved lotus made it sound so promising but yet nothin how hard would it be to atleast update people even just a general note just to let everyone know where they are at it's like communication is the key to any good lasting relationship
I am 4th in my state for an FE and was recently told March/April. I don't get much if any proactive communication on this, it is responses when I ask my local dealer.
Hey Cwolf! Where in NC are ya? I am in the Greensboro waiting for First edition. Are you dealing with Lotus in Winston Salem?

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