How have we missed this when it's hidden in plain sight? (keys)


Emira Fan
Dec 16, 2021
Reaction score
Shanghai China
Hi everyone as today I was rewatching Harry's Emira video I noticed that mystic new key design was right on the design studio‘s board:

Yes it's just several work in progress design proposals but I believe one of them will become the final Emira key design. It also suggests the previously shared Emira key would most likely be a fake:

So among the 4 purposed key design which would you prefer to be the final Emira key?
Honestly, I think Tesla gets this right.

Phone is key, auto lock/unlock, simple $5 NFC keycard in the wallet for spares or as backup in case phone dies.

I’d rather have a slick-as-hell app than a fancy fob.
Yeah phone app works great, but I don't mind having a cool looking key either. Something out of the ordinary
Honestly, I think Tesla gets this right.

Phone is key, auto lock/unlock, simple $5 NFC keycard in the wallet for spares or as backup in case phone dies.

I’d rather have a slick-as-hell app than a fancy fob.
When it works, it’s notorious for not working consistently. I know, my wife has had a lot of grief with the app to the point where she bought one of their rings so she wouldn’t have to dig for her key card whenever the app refused to connect to the car.
Looks like it will be a reskinned version of the Lynk & Co 01 keys, including a smaller activity key. The left most key photo is identical. Am hoping the credit card key option is also available.

Check them out here in the flesh.
When it works, it’s notorious for not working consistently. I know, my wife has had a lot of grief with the app to the point where she bought one of their rings so she wouldn’t have to dig for her key card whenever the app refused to connect to the car.
That’s fair, I’d have about 1 hiccup every other month (a hiccup being the car not auto-unlocking, causing me to take my phone out of my pocket and open the app).
Looks like it will be a reskinned version of the Lynk & Co 01 keys, including a smaller activity key. The left most key photo is identical. Am hoping the credit card key option is also available.

Check them out here in the flesh.

Pretty cool actually.. kinda looks like a Zippo.
The most important modern feature is that it foils relay theft.
That’s fair, I’d have about 1 hiccup every other month (a hiccup being the car not auto-unlocking, causing me to take my phone out of my pocket and open the app).
Agreed, it's such a rare event and even if it does happen, I pull the wallet out of my back pocket, put it up against the B-pillar and voila. I'd rather deal with that hiccup once in a while rather than every single time I get in and out of the car. Plus, constantly searching for the keys!
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