Emira joins the Thruxton Race Circuit experience fleet!

Do you know when bookings will open? Thruxton is easier for me to get to than Hethel for LDA. Would be fun to do another single seater session while I'm there too.
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Do you know when bookings will open? Thruxton is easier for me to get to than Hethel for LDA. Would be fun to do another single seater session while I'm there too.
I believe they will be opening the bookings at some point in the next week or so, but I’ll try and find out 👍
The Emira driving experiences are now on the Thruxton web site... £275 for 3 laps in a Cayman and 4 laps in the Emira.

I like Thruxton a lot, having driven there a number of times, but to be honest you'd get better value at the Lotus Acadamy (not a sentence you see very often!) - I paid £180 for 2 sessions at Hethel (both in an Emira obviously) 3 laps in the first session (the instructor drives first so you know which way the track goes), then 5 laps in the second.

Compared to other experiences at Thruxton, this seems expensive - I paid £198 for a similar number of laps in a Cayman/Mclaren.

Edited to correct cost of my Mclaren session - makes the Emira look even more expensive!
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£275 for 3 laps in a Cayman and 4 laps in the Emira.
I hope that is not because they take the same time to complete them.. :D

It is great for new owners to do a track experience to learn more about the car. That is a lot for, er, not a lot though. I'd get 100 plus laps on a motorcycle at Brands for that.
Thruxton have reduced the Emira driving experiences to £211 for a limited period (down from £275).

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