Emira eCall/SOS


Jan 27, 2022
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Wasn't sure of the best/right sub-forum for the following question/request.

Slightly business related, but I do have an i4 on order (for the time being!!)

If anyone has a taken delivery, has a test drive in the near future, could you ask how the eCall function works and in particular, if you want to initiate an SOS call, how is this done. I had a test drive in December but forgot to check.

Two things I need to know
(a) How you initiate the SOS function
(b) Did any/how do sales staff explain eCall and how it works.

As I said, it is work related, but interested in your experience.

I have an FE and you can initiate the eCall manually by pressing the overhead button for 3 seconds, you'll then be connected to some sort of incident center and they'll handle it and call emergency services with your location if necessary.

It'll also connect automatically if a crash is detected (Airbags deployed I think) which you cannot cancel manually.

I think this conforms to EU-Policy
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I have an FE and you can initiate the eCall manually by pressing the overhead button for 3 seconds, you'll then be connected to some sort of incident center and they'll handle it and call emergency services with your location if necessary.

It'll also connect automatically if a crash is detected (Airbags deployed I think) which you cannot cancel manually.

I think this conforms to EU-Policy
Thanks Kimmax
You've answered my question perfectly! I had my test drive some weeks ago and forgot to both look and ask. I am involved with the connected vehicle/road safety business and do a lot of eCall related projects so fully across the technology. I think I was more focussed on the performance and handling and forgot to even look for the SOS button :) . I work for a German software company as well and am interested in whether car dealers explain eCall/SOS and when/how to use.
Thanks again
If it's of interest take a look at www.vesos.co.uk
Thanks Kimmax
You've answered my question perfectly! I had my test drive some weeks ago and forgot to both look and ask. I am involved with the connected vehicle/road safety business and do a lot of eCall related projects so fully across the technology. I think I was more focussed on the performance and handling and forgot to even look for the SOS button :) . I work for a German software company as well and am interested in whether car dealers explain eCall/SOS and when/how to use.
Thanks again
If it's of interest take a look at www.vesos.co.uk
At least my dealer didn't explain it, but he did point out the button IIRC.

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