Doug D got his dream car.. Carrera GT!

We have a black one at my local Porsche dealership and the previous owner drove 500 miles over 5 years. The owner of the dealership told me that you get paranoid driving it around because if something breaks, it's nearly impossible to get parts to repair it. Beautiful car that will live out 95% of it's life in a show room or a garage.
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We have a black one at my local Porsche dealership and the previous owner drove 500 miles over 5 years. The owner of the dealership told me that you get paranoid driving it around because if something breaks, it's nearly impossible to get parts to repair it. Beautiful car that will live out 95% of it's life in a show room or a garage.

Pretty sure I heard something about a $40k clutch job too. 🥴
Fair play on getting his dream car. Never seen the appeal myself. Look quite ugly and has some grossly dangerous design flaws. Flimsy fuel tank (should be Teflon), engines catch fire, fire wall doesn’t separate the driver or the fuel tank. Snappy rear end. Recipe for disaster.
I don't get these. So many nicer cars for a fraction of the cost. Too precious to use too expensive to exploit too delicate and dangerous to track. Its just bragging rights and investment right?

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