What did you do to your Emira today?

Overcast lazy morning, family still asleep, Senaca blue out on the driveways as I wash and admire it’s gorgeous lines with every wipe during my bonding time with the machine, exploring every nook and cranny…
And then I woke up…:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
I have the configurator pulled up in my browser so I can just glance at it now and then. Real artistry in the design. And I use two monitors so it’s visible often 🙂
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Does refreshing the configurator to see if there are updates count for now? Oh, I also picked mine up and went for a spin last night (dreams)…
Overcast lazy morning, family still asleep, Senaca blue out on the driveways as I wash and admire it’s gorgeous lines with every wipe during my bonding time with the machine, exploring every nook and cranny…
And then I woke up…:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Oh no, car porn!
Today I did something a bit crazy. I looked at the pic upside down.

Try it.

Does it appear to be moving? Fast?

Just sayin’ on some pics there’s even water moving up the hood…

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